Hey: is this you think is worth debating?
And you respond with
Why would I try and have a logical discussion with that?
I did. And that was clearly stupid. I blame the drugs.
Hey: is this you think is worth debating?
And you respond with
Why would I try and have a logical discussion with that?
I did. And that was clearly stupid. I blame the drugs.
Yes why have a debate with someone whos trying to stop you from arguing over my grammer vs whats actually being discussed. You must have some good drugs
I never said adding columns and tanks wouldn’t increase throughput. I’ve been doing this and building my own equipment for well over a decade. Many of us who run Lunas have. No one disagrees about the notion of adding more tanks, columns, and collection will get you more throughput.
I don’t really care that I could do more throughput with a manual machine with 8 columns, 4 tanks and 300 valves. I don’t want one and don’t need one.
Valve jockeys get egos, call in sick, miss times, fuck up runs, have HR issues cuz they can’t stop sniffing around the trim team, etc. PLCs don’t have that issue. My team is really small and their skills are much more valuable than being stuck in a booth turning valves all day and I don’t expect them to settle for minimum wage.
Yeah, but you give the robot a 1/2 dozen honey pots to call their own…and all hell might break loose
Do you not consider Oregon a state with real competition?
There are plenty of MSO’s here and they are doing the opposite of making it hard to survive. They are chasing their tails trying to play catch up to the prices we set in the market. A few have actually stopped operating and have left the state from their lack of ability to stay relevant,
We’ve seen that here in Michigan as well. I couldn’t imagine trying to compete right now with a manual rig.
packing and dumping fucking socks. please automate that shit.
Even if you were correct about automation, which you’re not, your attitude is so terrible, and your manner so condescending that no one here would ever want to work in the same lab with you, that’s guaranteed lol. Have fun in your ivory tower big dog
so your saying automation is better than a setup that does 4x the thruput at the same cost? You sound like your in a ivory tower as well.
My manner becomes like that when idiots defend what i commented above like yourself… dont worry i wouldnt want your dumbass in my lab .
Pretty sure luna did this when they released their extractor like 4 years ago. was the only thing they sold that interested me .
Probly goes w.o saying how irrelevant a automated packer is until it can recognize the products average size to properly apply x amout of force… Different trims/shakes etc have different consistencies and while x amount of pressure may be good with loose leaf… itll clog with shake. Need it to be consistently ground or some way for the packer to recognize different consistencies and adjust accordingly.
Wouldnt be suprised if they stopped advertising it cause what i mentioned occured.
Ive automated our door to door deliveries(yes it even does the metrc work for us.) Automated our import/export anything thru metrc thru another programs api that takes fractions of a second, did it with our joints(refused to change our trim procedure.) I understand AI is taking over, shit it made my brand/logo. and i report often on how even the tech sector is losing jobs, how nvidia says all programmers will be replaced by ai etc etc. I love automation/technology, been addicted sincei was a lil kid.
Truth of the matter is you guys hype it up like people did in the 90s/early 2ks about the internet. Great things do have a cap, and bubbles do exist. And so do idiots believing everything will be run by one factor when you probly agree that automating trimming is bad?
Advances is science can have downsides and sure as hell do have errors, Its why i dont update anything the second a update comes out. even 20 years down the line the most advanced technological networks/companies/programs have to continously fix and update.
Maybe one day youll catch on.
Wasn’t that the column emptier thing? like it sat above your extraction column and just pushed everything out of the bottom of the column? I think the idea of that was to not use socks at all… just use this thing to pack/unpack your column… or was that a different company who made that thing?
Packing and unpacking a column with no socks sounds like a fucking mess waiting to happen to me.
Used to do it that way on the ol’ ETS 1300, but 6" columns 10-15 times a day? gonna fucking dust and plant matter everyyyyyywhere
Ahhh its been years so you probly right, yea powder consistencies can really suck. Especially when you turn red and rash up form that ish:sob:
This is literally my life right now
you’re running 6" columns with no socks?! my condolences sir.
That was the iron fist. alright design in theory but a huge pain in the ass.
Luna does have a semi automated bag packer in an air cylinder version and a new hydraulic version which you can set the pressure you are packing your socks at. it makes pucks and then pushes them into a sock, and they are very much still currently marketing and selling these.
the iron fist, yeah that’s the one I am thinking of!
but thanks for the link dude. never seen this thing.
EDIT: just watched the video. that thing might actually take longer than packing them by hand…
Most definitely does not take longer than by hand, you also get a way more consistent pack and dont break your back doing it.
It take 5 minutes to pack a 30lb bag.
Socks are for nerds
lol, I bet your extraction columns and booth are super clean all the time.