What lab can test for the most cannabinoids

Does anyone know what lab has the ability to the largest amount of cannabinoids? As well as other constituents terpenes, flavonoids, esters…Looking to get as granular as possible. Thanks!

A lot of labs have different types of expanded panels. Two that stand out off the top of my head are KCA in Kentucky who will quantify isomers if asked to. There’s also Infinite Analytical in San Diego who can also test for trace isomers if asked.


Awesome! Thank you

Across all of our methods we can test for 70 cannabinoids at the moment. Our terpene method was also developed in house and avoids the inaccuracies when using headspace. We’d be happy to look into testing other substances or we may be able to refer you to another lab that can.


Awesome. Thank you, I will send you a PM!

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