What do you extract with and why?

@Kingofthekush420 whats your room temp hex SOP any info appreciated lol i just got my rig under 140 micron with robinair pump oil still waiting on my vac 20 think i might give it a go in a min!

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Switching to full bore my setup that on the best day pulled 90 micron on an empty system with gls now pulls 5 micron on an empty system. Well worth the switch. Waiting for a 2021i to arrive now to hopefully cut some time out of the run.


10 minute soaks in hexane, centrifuge, recover hexane, decarb up to 150c, carbon and t5 scrub, degum, winterize (1 warm filter then a cold filtration with celite 545), recover my alcohol, decarb under vac up to 150c and do 2 passes. That’s my full SOP in short form


You say that you decarb up to 150C after you recover hexane and then you decarb under vac up to 150C after winterization? So you decarb twice?

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Yep, decarb / deterp. If you dont do it a second time youll have residual solvent in your crude, you should always heat up your wax above 100c before loading the SPD


Ok now that makes perfect sense, hexane would be especially nasty as a residual.
Are your first and second decarbs happening with different equipment or are you using your roto for both?

Your SOP is much appreciated, it’s nice to see exactly how you’re working with hexane since it doesn’t seem like many on this forum are doing so


dude i’ve always said non polar is where its at lol and warm wash makes too much sense I have always gotten darker extracts with warmer to BP temp hex

hey @Kingofthekush420 what vacuum depth for 150 roto decarb? I been dying to try decarbing in my buchi just wasnt sure the sop for it

If you’re going for terpene stripping as deep of vac as possible, the better your vacuum the more undesirables you’ll remove


I use a diaghram pump usually for my roto, when I decarb I use a 2 stage 3 cfm harbor freight oil pump for deeper vacuum


That was specifically for ethanol denatured with alkanes… it might be fine to use S.D.A. with a bit of acetone or isopropanol in it.


also my findings after years of trying everything lol

Do you think the 20 degree difference between hexane and etho bps would allow for easier separation of the two from their azeotrope?

So are you using three different solvents? Hexane for extraction ethanol for filtration methanol for room temp winterization

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How manly lbs of material do you soak per gallon of hexane? Also for the carbon/T5 scrub are you doing this in a solvent like heptane?

Just to confirm your using methanol for the warm and cold winterizing right?

I do not use ethanol anymore, I only use 190 proof ethanol to check for Ph. I use methanol for all my winterization and liquid liquid extraction needs.


I do 1 gallon of hexane to 2 pounds of material, sometimes I do more if the hexane isnt dark. I carbon and t5 scrub my crude with no solvent in there and add the solvent later for filtration. Yes I use methanol to winterize


That’s interesting. I’ve never read about anyone else scrubbing with no solvent…:thinking: literally just dumping t5 and carbon powder into warm crude?

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It’s called dry scrubbing and a lot of people do it, I do too. Heat crude to 90c, dump powders make sure it’s mixed real well. I use an overhead stirrer for 20-30 min. Let cool to between 50-70c, pour in desired amount of solvent. Filter.


It’s the original carbon scrub sop