What do you do with "duff" in 2020?

After screening our flowers through a 1/4 inch mesh, we are left with bags of “duff” as seen here:

How do you recommend processing this type of material? I currently have no distillation equipment, should I look into buying something or work with someone who’s already an expert? Thanks for any advise.

That’s not really the question here. Do you have a market? The distillate game isn’t something I’d recommend you start spending a bunch of money on with the market looking like it is.

You can use that trim to make anything from bubble/ waster hash super cheap to rosin (not as cheap) or crude, diamonds with the right equipment. The possibilities are pretty much there for what ever to be made.

Is that cbd or thc trim?

You could sell it, but prices have dropped there too. You can make rso medicine super cheap too. Prob best would be to find someone who’s already processing into whatever shape and split with them.

How much do you have?

What do you mean with ethical?


Thanks for the reply.

What do you mean with ethical?
Best for the environment, not wasteful, doesn’t use harmful chemicals, solvents, etc.

It is thc trim so I think selling is out of the question. Bubble hash doesn’t seem too interesting, maybe I should check into crude or diamonds. RSO medicine is appealing as the plant could be used for ethical medicinal purposes.

Currently I’m stumped with how to proceed so trying to get opinions on what to do, and ask what most other community members are doing with this material.

I’ll reiterate: most members will be making what their clientele wants. And that, good sir, is different from place to place.

Im assuming then you have no equipment at all to process into anything atm?

I’ll tell you right now that people, unless they have a well established brand, are sitting on so much concentrates it’s not even funny. Depending on where you are you likely to have a fairly hard time moving things at all.

I know people who’ve made more money selling the trim than processing it. I’ve also been told about so many sitting on hundreds of liters not being able to move anything. If you look around this forum you will find info on making any type of concentrate. Again. It doesn’t matter what others are doing. If noone around you wants it your are dead in the water.

Im being told diamonds and sauce are what people want now, so maybe look towards that. I’d advise you to ask your potential customer base what they want and go from there. I’m telling you from years of experience, way before anything got legal, and it’s always been the same. You try and follow the hype and then noone wants it when it’s done. So figure out your market and follow that.

That is honestly the best advise in can give you.


People take trim, why would selling be out of the question? @Renchi said the truth. If you have no way to process id just sell it. Do distilate can be an expensive learning curve and the market will not give a ROI for awhile, if at all.


am I the only one?


1.Dry sift or ice hash.

  1. Brew up a fierce cauldron of RSO

  2. Roll it up in a carpet sized joint and showcase it at your company booth at a cannabis/hemp expo

I vote 3 but i think that’s pretty much the options


I came here to post this and it was the first thing I saw well done


I vote 3.


Personally, I’d donate it to science. hqdefault


In reality that would be frozen and meet some incredibly cold ethanol and either top notch concentrate, or diamonds and sauce depending on the quality/strain/look of the extract immediately after. But exactly as above, it’s all about clientele. About half of what I do is just for me, the other half allows me to me to make the final decision because they can market either and trust my judgement. I’d buy that trim. Theoretically. I have no actual interest in trying to purchase it.

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You could decarb it and put it in capsules.

I can fit .25 grams into a “0” size capsule. If it is 10% THC, that is about a 25mg dose per capsule.


You in Washington by any chance? I can turn that into $ 4 u… :slight_smile:


Even if he is somewhere else, someone with morals can turn that into money for him and themselves.

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You in cali? We offer a split service. We extract it and split it with you


Southern Oregon, that’s sounds like a good service however. Maybe there’s one in OR. Thanks Slabby!

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Depending on quantity it might be worth it still despite the distance. How much do you have?