The title is pretty self explanatory but what products can I make or what other uses are there for extra BHO terps that you don’t want to go bad?
Sell the cdts?
Search cdt to understand the market.
As is: they fetch a better price than most cannabinoids
Natural pesticides for the garden!!
Blend with thca and make some badders.
5 posts were split to a new topic: Meme o’clock and More Forum Fun!
Gross terps?
For the record, this design sucks.
Get yourself a small bottle of argon . Make sure you put your terps in a container that can be airtight then fill up the container with the argon gas. It’s significantly heavier than air so as long as you don’t allow any turbulent air to displace the argon that’s in your container already, you should immediately close the container and put it in the dark place. You can also take the step of wrapping your container in aluminum foil to keep UV out of it. Also keeping it in the fridge couldn’t hurt.
So long as its labeled extremely well… i had a friends mother drink a large shot of limonene once thinking it was booze and she was on the toilet for over a week, pissing and shitting blaze orange.
sorry for the late reply im still learning how to use this site lol, so does the argon gas basically just keep air out of the container keeping the terps fresh?
By flushing your head space with Argon or another inert/inert-like gas, you are replacing the oxygen of the environment containing your terpenes keeping everything preserved. Oxygen speeds up unwanted oxidation of your volatiles.
Argon is a Noble/Inert gas. As described above it will displace the oxygen/atmosphere and as it is inert it will keep all gases that could otherwise be interacting/reacting away from your material and thus 0inhibiting possible oxidation/degradation. (Temperature and radiation are also possible sources of degradation)
Alright im back lol but I’ve got some questions about the process. First of all, would I be able to use nitrogen instead of argon? We already have nitrogen at my lab so it would probably be easier to use that instead of ordering a container of argon. Also would a mason jar with a fresh cap be airtight enough to hold an inert gas? And if not, what is? And finally, is it really just dispensing the inert gas onto the top portion of the container in a room with no airflow then immediately closing it? Sorry for all the questions, if it weren’t obvious already im kind of a newbie
Yes. (And again I prefer Argon as it is significantly heavier and much more likely to stay put and push out and float on top of it all other “atmosphere”)
Yes, as long as you keep it upright the whole time and don’t keep it in the place where the temperature fluctuates a lot and thus causing the gas to expand and contract thus expelling more inert gas and taking in atmosphere. Also top it off with your inert gas of choice every time you open it especially if you’re using nitrogen as it is much lighter than argon and less likely to stay put.
Yes it can be but I would recommend of doing it inside of a bucket that is also filled to the brim with the inert gas this way when you are about to put the the lid on it right before you screw it on inside the bucket you flip it upside down to expel the atmosphere out of it and get more of “cleaner” nitrogen (preferably Argon) trapped in the headspace of your mason jar.
awesome, thank you so much for the help. If I have another question sometime would you mind if I DM you?
No problem. Go ahead.