Wet Harvest PM Mold Remediation

I get a call from an associate of a colleague that they have a mold problem at harvest at a pretty big facility. It’s no problem, I’ve done jobs like that before. I thought it was weird that they had me sign an NDA and drop my cell phone at the front desk. They must have a lot of consultants come through. Turns out, this place was built by VC’s, not a passionate person coming from the medical side like most facilities. Humidity and HVAC was undersized. They didn’t know what VPD is and the plants went through hot dry/cold wet cycles their entire lives. It looked like a flock of birds left droppings all over their mature plants. OK, let’s do this . . .

When we went out to get tyvek suits and respirators, the management and staff understood the gravity of the situation. Branches were trimmed so they could be easily dunked in 30 gallon barrels. Fan leaves were left on to neutralize any attached mold. The following recipe was mixed up in the first barrel with room temperature water as cold water will break off trichs:

1 gallon RTU (multply by gallons in your vessel size)
Insecticidal Soap (also called Potassium Soap) (30 ml)
Yeast (fresh brewery yeast or dry yeast) (4 g)
Lemon Juice (2 ml)
Potassium Sorbate (2 g)
Sodium Benzoate (2 g)

The plant branch is dunked and gently swirled for 5-8 seconds in the soap mixture. It is hung for 15-30 minutes to let potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate to break up the mold cells. A second barrel of plain water with set up plain water as a rinse. The branch is dunked in clean water and gently swirled for 1-2 seconds. It is then hung to drip dry.These branches will be bucked and dry trimmed. This only works with wet flower, dried flowers with mold need to be destroyed or remediated when converted to distillate.

A treated sample of the least moldy flower is sent to non-state third party testing for mold to double check before submission. There is never any residue and chances are much higher that state testing will be passed.

All the equipment was then nuked with Physan 20 in the grow room before they start a long list of deep cleaning. I had a great weekend and threw my shoes in a dumpster behind a bar.

EDIT: Am I a shit bag for helping this place pass off moldy flower destined for prerolls? Probably, but they have a lot of money on the line and don’t deserve to lose a license because of it. They very well may still have to destroy this crop.

When you screw up in the corporate world, you get what’s called a “Performance Improvement Plan” (PIP). It is long-term improvement and means fixing their HVAC and dehus to proper size and teaching them about ventilation, VPD, deleafing, etc. They have to invest heavily in IPM, sterilization and UV in their air handlers because they thought they could ride it out til harvest with existing problems. This will also prevent them from passing along contaminated product in the supply chain long-term.

EDIT 2: Is it ethically OK to do this for a couple spots of mold on one leaf? Where is the line in the sand?


Yay. Poison for profit!!!


I justified it at the time that I don’t endorse systemic IPM is any manner. These ingredients are “natural” and PM exists in nature outside whether you catch it in a microscope or not. Doing it at harvest time isn’t that different than at distillation.

@Extractionguy Yeah, I feel awful the more I think about it. I’m probably not going to cash the check. This is even playing on my (objective) morals now.

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Tight rope. You are a fixer and that will be on your consultant side of your brain. I’ve worked for several that use systematic that I don’t agree with. Are they bad people? No But is that really a medical product? No. Are they still associates yes. I will help people with their problems but feel awful about their practices. Some of us work really hard to ensure clean product.


Everyone has dunked some plants. H202 and all that are totally cool to use.

I just did it as a small scale home grower 2 decades ago. Learned how to treat the issues instead of the symptoms

Doing it in a rec grow is shitting the bed, glad you helped them fix the causes.


I get ya on the moral questions, but not cashing the check isn’t gonna undo the work you did. Maybe cash it and donate it entirely to charity?


Cash the check…

Don’t do it again.

Best of both worlds. Lol

Live and learn


Every earlier farm had to learn these lessons at some point. Growing is hard for VC’s without a good grower and a proper build out. Someone saw the swings and didn’t adapt.

I appreciate posting the remediation steps, but they deserve to eat a grenade for sticking the landing. Lots of people are counting on them to eat and they fucked it all up (mostly).


I’ve dealt with similar situations. You walked in to a no win situation because you know if you don’t clean it up, the next consultant will.

The way I justify it ethically is getting a longer term contract with performance guarantees for both parties. Them paying for upgrades to my exact specifications. Me getting the plants quantifiably healthy and able to defend themselves, so that this exact scenario doesn’t repeat every time the power goes out. It’s usually fairly easy for me to convince them to do this because the Chad’s are using expensive hydro store nutes and end up also saving money in the long run.

This works for me because I know we will fix the problem long term and I won’t be dealing with these idiots crashing the local market with their bullshit being sold for super cheap.


Them damn morals get in the way sometimes


Is VC an acronym for verified consultant? Wouldn’t surprise…


Venture capitalists


Oh shit. Fuck them bois. Trash humans…as far as I’m concerned


They also tend to be pieces of shit that don’t pay their bills hiding behind contracts their attorneys wrote them. Have your attorney review anything and stage payments. The moment they are behind on any payment notify them of breach and void the current contract. Then be a dick and demand payment up front.


Thanks for posting the recipe. If anyone is doing this to outdoor bud, a prior dunk in alkaline water will make a lot of the dead bugs and dirt fall off, before the second wash neutralizes the mold and mildew.


its not like you dunked it in e20 or any gnarly shit like that. if you didnt remediate it, it could have been snuck out the back door full of mold. its certainly not ideal, but i dont think you should beat yourself up or forego payment over it


What is RTU?

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Cash that check. Your experience and time are worth something. Keep taking there money till they listen and fix the issue.


Ready-To-Use. It means it’s been diluted to final concentration.

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I don’t know about other places but we test for yeast where I work, not sure dunking flower in yeast water is a good idea.