Weird experience with BHO that I used to make - why?

Had a weird experience with BHO. Purged down to the last bits and poured into non-stick bat creating a tonne of surface area. Heated from underneath at 40c heated above with 30c air forced. It crumbled.

Why did it crumble? I literally went from yellow puddle to crumbly mass. That tasted fucking GOOOOOOD! It was crude but… it was pretty alright!

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heat plus air u dried it out…equals crumble

Dried it out? Dried what out? Moisture?

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the oil…welcome to budder making

everyone’s first mistake

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I didn’t realise the oil can be dried out. Does it naturally contain moisutre or something? Sorry I am unaware of the actual composition of the oil outside of cannabinoids and solvent lol.

Also does the consistancy of the dried out material say anything about its solvent content?

Oh I was experimenting with making a BHO shatter for emergency dabbing. It ended up crumbling. Fuck it tasted great though. It tasted 5000 times better than the fuckn flower rosin that came out of the bud. I usually do the rosin to test a bud and see where I MAY end up. Nah this time it was a world away from the rosin. I loved it. But wanted to know why.

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what end product are u going for

Oh I was experimenting with making a BHO shatter for emergency dabbing. It ended up crumbling. Fuck it tasted great though. It tasted 5000 times better than the fuckn flower rosin that came out of the bud. I usually do the rosin to test a bud and see where I MAY end up. Nah this time it was a world away from the rosin. I loved it. But wanted to know why.

How did you pour it and spread it thin? With a tool in a scraping like motion?

From pyrex slow pour over non-stick mat and then manipulate the mat to ooze the liquid thinner. Like tip it side to side, up and down until it all spread. Then placed it on very light heat from the bottom and airforced heat on the top.

StoneD said I dried it out. And for the most part the shit was very dry. Crumbly. Great stuff - would have been better winterized but it was experiment and it happened twice.

How much do you think you “agitated” it? The more you agitate, you’ll promote nucleation. Heat + agitation = crumble.

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NOT THAT MUCH now that I think about it. A hair dryer is fan forced and I was trying to melt it down enough to release the bubbles lol. But no physical touching. Just heat on bottom, fan forced heat on top.

Come to think of it, it didn’t need much agitation. I didn’t even physically touch it with a tool. I just fan forced the top on the second run and it barely moved but still went crumble.

Terpenes are a solvent, one that will leave if you insist…if you don’t evaporate them off, you can manage an applesauce consistency too.


It had so much terps though. I could taste the more volatile terps in there. It wasn;t like terpy shatter.

There must have been a point that caused it to finish off like that.

You can even try to smoosh it all into a jar so it’s a budder. Mix it up really well with a tool, assuming it’s not extremely dry, and push it all back together. Keep the jar closed when not serving individual, daily portions, or however you “piece it out”. In the fridge will help to preserve it.

Well lets see. Extracted and purged at room temp - Butane open blast in blast tube into pyrex. Purged to low levels and poured onto mat slowly and lightly. At this point it’s more Honey than Butane.

Then Hair dryer fanning the top, light heat under the mat… within 15 minutes its going to crumble. At that point it’s needing way more heat to liquefy.

One of those C1D1 hair driers no doubt…


This is why you crumbled that’s hella fats n waxes.

Edit dads back from work & here to play on the forum again WOOOOOOOO

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Gotcha! It was crude so it’s full of impure shit. Just wanted an explanation as to why this happened. I’ve never shattered a non-winterized solution before. Winterizing is in Ethanol anyway so there would be no way to find out unless I do a cold extraction in a closed loop and that aint happening anytime soon.

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Next time try freezing the tube( please don’t open blast I don’t recommend it) closed colu,n is much safer for testing on small scale.

But get the tube to atleast 10degree f & your tane to the same if not lower as I’m giving a paramarter for regular freezers.

Blast in a open ventilated area no sparkable variables of any sort, I do t care if it’s even your cell phone. Use UL listed instruments for this only.

Keep in large enough Pyrex with a parchment paper line or slick mat line then purge in a oven not on a mat for better shatter results. Otherwise you’ll create a open atmosphere nucleation & either sugar if your went cold enough or budder if you went warm.

Dry ice coat the equipment in a sealed jacket(sleeping bag that’s insulated) itll freeze to temps you can operate efficiently at. #garagetek

There is no chance I can use a closed loop where I am. I have been open blasting for quite a while now. I know the proper requirements for it. And having said that I blast a single can at most. Purged outside.

My fear of purging the solution in an oven is the ovens temps are inaccurate and butane in the oven doesn’t sound safe.

But it’s great to hear explanations as to why this might be happening :slight_smile:

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