Weed sprayed with... something. can I clean it up?

Fuck… okay.

I mean, for what it’s worth theres sugar in the weed normally. Smoking more of it will probably be gross but it’s probably not gonna kill you much faster. If it’s not that then, well, we’re really just guessing what it is and it might not be water soluble so my advice could be fuck all useless lol.

Not sure how to remediate that crushed glass thing though. That would suck.

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I’ll just toss it out :confused: honestly what’s the point. I thought I could process it and come out clean on the other side so I thought I’d ask but without knowing what’s in it, I may as well toss it. It’s only an ounce.

Now, this might not be sound advice but if you’ve already dabbed some and it just tasted bad but didn’t make you feel like shit, maybe try washing it and give it another shot. If the shitty taste/residue goes away great. If not then you can chuck it and say it’s shit luck


It didn’t make me feel like shit no but the effect was off. Could definitely be a placebo effect because of the lack of experience but I know that smell and taste - it’s 100% either burnt sugar or burnt sweetener. I know this becuase I have burnt cake frosting before, or poured diet coke on hot coals.

It was the exact same smell and taste as those times.

just toss it in a crock pot with butter or coconut oil. If your are not enjoying the smoke then it usually will eat fine.


Ahhh yes yes I did not think of this. I can decarb the shit and infuse it.


yep yep. Who knows, maybe you’ll love them Diet Coke brownies hahahaha


HAHA! You got me Lol’ing :stuck_out_tongue:


Sadly, I have seen CBD isolate adulterated w sugar. Multiple recrystallizations worked, the sugar would form a separate layer on bottom of np layer, separate and recrystallize 2x.

Not sure best way to remediate in a THC situation


I wouldn’t think there’s a point in the time $ spent on remediation. If ya got sugar packs toss em and take the loss.


We ultimately did just that. We were getting 98% prisms just couldn’t shake whatever pink pigment came along


blast it and then crc it

I actually did the safest, easiest suggestion and that was to infuse it into an edible product. I went with Coconut Oil and more than likely just make some Brownies out of it for the sake of making something. I doubt the effect is going to be any good at all.

I wish I had some pictures but the dab experience was pretty shit in terms of effect (amongst other things). Very depressive, down-low dirty feeling. I am talking myself out of wasting brownies i wont eat.

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Did you save any of the contaminated flower? I was hoping you would have ran a bottle of water over it to figure out what it was. It smokes bad anyway so not much to lose by rinsing with distilled water then fast drying.

If you save the water you rinse over it with you can evaporate it off in a glass and see what’s hiding in there. Safe to assume it’s something water soluble so it could be spritzed/misted on evenly.


I do have some left… Let me test this out.

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I heard about packs in NY being laced with heh baking soda on some YouTube video. They spray it with water and it starts fizzling


I did this - it’s still evaporating. There is a lot of shit in the jar. It looks like a tonne of fats but fats shouldn’t have dissolved in the water… or should they?

Anyone know of an adulterant that would leave a slight cherry flavor in an extract? And or make buds look like the purp but wash off to a dull green during hydrocarbon extraction? Don’t mean to jack the thread but I think OP issue has been resolved. Thanks.

Grape faygo pop/soda?