Looking for someone reputable to wash then squish the hash from some of this CBG flower
Don’t see to many regular squishers on the page wondering who will take this on…
Too bad you can’t ship it… I just got mechanical separation mostly figured out.
Oh I can, I just would rather work with someone local
Oh, I was guessing it was just for head stash. Trying to do a bunch of it?
It is just for head stash, I guess work wasnt the right word
first thing im gonna do is squish some when it gets here. I figure thats the best way for me to fully get an appreciation for cbg
Future X Grape God
CBG Squish
I would fuck with this.
I’ve got a local squish master. He’s a friend of a friend. probably knows a few folks on here very well.
He’s not in the game of cannabis extraction, he’s in the game of head stash…he’s a professional glass blower.
What amount of flower were you hoping to smash?
I can ask if you like…
If you don’t find anyone local I can squish it in so cal. It’s literally what I do all day.
I’ve got a sassquach here in Oregon. Maybe can meet you half way at the crow club for some squshin
I really want it to be washed first, not a huge fan of squished flower. Pretty sure I’ve got the plug into the Grape God connect
Never tried his stuff but his IG looks fire. I’ve got some bags but I don’t have a freeze dryer, which I think is necessary for real nice bubble hash rosin and to avoid the rancidity from moisture.