Has anyone here tried washing impurities from their isolate with cold butane or propane? It seems like it would be heckin faster and cleaner to purge from the final product than heptane which is what I am currently using.
Just pack a spool, run a prechilling coil to inject cold solvent- wash and recover?
Would love it if someone with access could send me this paper on butane and propane solubilities at various temps with NPS:
I’ve washed thc-a in a closed loop with tane and had great results. I’d imagine it’d be about the same with cbd isolate except I’d be worried about clogging the system since it’s powder form and may create a uniform bed while washing.
From my experience isolate doesn’t like to dissolve in cold butane. Kinda just sinks to the bottom and looks like sand. Warm butane works when you jar it. Fully dissolves and recrystallizes into bigger crystalline structures. Makes like a flat disc formation at the bottom of the jar.
I’ve also noticed the crystals seem to limit their size to replicate the seed crystal size. They do grow to be a little bigger but not much bigger.
The only isolate I’ve experimented with was white as snow so I couldn’t tell you if it lightened it up or removed that last surface coating of wax.
Nice! I haven’t had the best success with it when I tried with cold tane. Room temp butane was no problem for me though. Maybe I just didn’t wait enough time with the cold tane. I’d imagine it probably needed to be constantly stirred or agitated to break down at cold temps
Well…i believe i may be speaking of something different. I literally took a jar or cold butane, dumped my THCa in, threw it in the freezer again for a while, rolled the jar on occasion to mix, back in freezer. Once I was satisfied, I poured off the butane, and in the jar was left with a much cleaner THCa than I began with. The THCa did not noticeably dissolve in the tane.
My experience is THCa doesn’t dissolve well in cold butane, which is why I chose to do this to wash terps off the THCa.
Had some isolate that was extremely cakey and had a decent amount of terps in it (was yellowish). I stirred a few chunks in some cold butane and the chunks broke apart into powder and terps dissolved into solution. The powder would not dissolve unless butane was heated or agitated for a long period of time. I imagine passing freezing butane over terpy chunks in a CLS would yield similar results. Ive also had success washing THCa diamonds in a CLS.
PS. Just poured off the solution from the powder, did this in mason jars, stir bar and mag stirrer. Was small RnD amounts in a c1d1 next to the vent, don’t recommend this either way tho! Definitely use the CLS.
Edit: And from what I remember the isolate was able to purge relatively quickly. Faster than pentane, and for sure heptane, as you’d expect.
It work… Definetevely!
Thank you!
Sorry for bad Pic…
Have no time today, so Just made a Quick wash to have a proof of concept, and yes really noce and clean reX… Next time i Will post a Better image!
I think my goal is to reduce purge times by doing a final rinse with butane- it’s not so much using butane to wash the yellow tones out but to solvate and rinse the heptane out, then allow for a faster process time on the final purge due to butanes gaseous nature
Did the cold butane solvate and melt the isolate or was the cbd fairly stable?