Warsaw Zoo Elephants Pilot MMJ

Neat Read


Our dogs like it why wouldn’t a stressed out elephant. How much is an elephant dose?

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Ask @cyclopath. I’ve seen him consume as much on more than one occasion. :rofl:

Joking aside, I hope it provides some relief. Bet some THC would do them good, too. Last time I was at a zoo, I had an interaction with one of the elephants that left me in tears. I left the zoo immediately thereafter, and I haven’t been back to one since.


I hate zoos… I honestly feel bad for the animals.

My dog weighs 200lbs give or true. 20-40mg knocks his ass out.

I’d say an elephant dose purely based on weight is 700-1200 grams

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Elephants have an endocannabinoid system?

I wonder if my ferrets do. Had to return the male as he was extremely dominant and hurting the female one. Literally dragging her by her neck/ears/head. Even though they are fixed/descented uponnarrival.

Zoos are both good and bad. While I don’t like to see animals confined, I also understand that without zoos and the species survival programs they run we would have even more recently extinct species than we do now. Until people stop poaching endangered species, zoos are the only thing keeping some of them alive. Habitat loss endangers many others. It would be great if we all respected animals and their habitats, but even heavily armed commando forces in Africa have trouble protected elephants and rhinos in national parks and preserves. Zoos may not be the best solution, but an elephant or rhino is much safer there than in its natural environment currently. There’s a lot of economic improvement that needs to take place before people who live side by side with mountain gorillas stop eating them.

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For sure. I literally watched a piece on this the other day. They actually have a giant database for matching. Like tinder for zoo animals.

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