Wanted: New 20-30L Soxhlet set up

I have a client with a need. Recommendations welcome!

Thatā€™s BIGā€¦

Can you clarify a bit? Largest oneā€™s I know commercially available are 5L

What about the one that Sohxlet had?
He had that big one he was looking to sell that process two pounds at a time

Guess itā€™s not too crazy after-all! Wow!!!

Do you know your way around this equipment and associated methods?

Not at this scaleā€¦ Best of luck though! :heart:

@Soxhlet whatchu up to?

It wouldnā€™t tag him when I tried it I donā€™t know why

Wasnt there a guy on here who made a tri clamp soxhlet?

Not that big iirc, but with stainless you could probably just scale the whole thing upā€¦

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My 72L setup is in storage collecting dust. Iā€™d love for it to find its way to a good homeā€¦

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This is Sindy from Shanghai Linbel Instrument Co.,Ltd.
We are manufacturer and have specialized in chiller/rotary evaporator/jacketed glass reactor equipment since 1998.
Please contact me for more information,we will introduce the most suitable equipments for you.
Sindy Zhang
Teleļ¼ˆwechatļ¼‰: +86 187 2553 6787
Whatsapp : +86 182 6766 6787
E-mail: sindy@linbel.com
Website: www.linbel.com

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Iā€™m sure youā€™d have some trouble making something like this without at least one custom length spool so the spacing isnā€™t off.

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I would approach this by making it out of stainless triclamp parts off the shelf. You can have a 12ā€ spool as your material column, an end cap that goes to a u bend with 1.5ā€ as your siphon arm, then return to your boiler. Same with the boiling arm.

A 30L glass vessel sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

Just FYI. When you do build your monster soxhlet add an external heat source to the side arm where the vapor travels up. Large soxhlet tend to reflux when pushed to high requiring more energy from the mantle, even the you canā€™t take a solvent past itā€™s boiling point the excess energy can cause products, mainly alkaloids to degrade with long extraction times, if money is not a problem one could have a short squat soxhlet with a sprinkler style head at the bottom of the reflux condenser and fix this.


We can make a big glass Soxhlet setup


Iā€™ve got my friend looking at this post. Heā€™ll reach out if heā€™s still in need. Thank you!

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