WANTED Clean TRIM / Indoor Trim/ Greenhouse DIRECT from Farm(THC) (CA)

I am looking for Trim , straight from the source. from the farm
Professional L2L,
off the books is welcome, as long as its from direct from farm and its clean
Im looking for direct, straight to the source.

if you are a broker. with DIRECT contact with the farm , that would work

im looking for about 5K-50K lbs of trim per month
i need reliable sources, consistent suppliers… no bullshit



80/lb l2l only 5000lbs 14%-17%


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Your price point unfortunately prices us out of the market since our clients are high volume L buyers at a lower price point after tax.

If it’s coming directly from you (cultivator), would you be interested in doing profit share where you provide the trim for us and we split the profit back to you in the form of a 1099 commission?

this is classic… i now understand a farmer’s frustration when dealing with cheap fucks.
do your cheap clients know the going rate, and are they also aware of the supply/demand situation or are they completely Level 1 Novice , and new to the industry?
you may want to tell them to get acquainted with Cali prices.

my trim suppliers have material ranging from 90 pre tax to 120 pre tax.
no one in their right mind will charge that low after tax, doens’t matter how many millions of lbs you want to pick up. when they have clients willing to pay full price. </3


Would love to pick your brain on how that economics working for you? One of the biggest players we know in the licensed space are moving L2L 82%-88% D9 distillate for about $5500 AFTER tax. The D9 testing above 90% thc are moving for $6000-$6200 AFTER tax.

Let’s use an average of $100/ lb trim based on your numbers and easy peasy back of the envelop calculation of 50 lbs yields 1L. That makes the licensed manufacturer’s cost basically at $5000 to make 1L BEFORE operating line expenses.

It makes no sense? Might as well work for the distro buying the L at that point?

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If it takes you anything close to 50lbs to make 1L then you are doing it wrong. Very very wrong.


How many lbs should it take with 10% trim to attain 90% distillate?

5000- $5500 is standard after tax
50lbs yields 1L… sounds way off :sweat_smile:

getting contracted trim from a cultivator is always another way to get it at a lower price.

Need some hefty ethanol gear to run that mountain of trim?

We have a licensed Type 6 Manufacturing facility in San Diego. Interested in buying 1000 pounds a week or 5000 pounds in a month. Please contact 630-660-1085

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You still looking for trim?


No problem. Cal me 415-408-8641 Meese

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This is the 3rd posting slinging your product. Tread lightly, your on that thin spam line.


Licensed trim is available in Los Angeles. I am sure someone on this forum can help you source it.

hello! we have 100 lb avaiable per month!

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Hello Do you still have trim available ?? i need up to 30,000 L2L trim Monthly.

No, this post is from 3yrs sgo. I dont sell trim anymore