Was curious if I was making a cold brewed beer (so there’s no burn off) and I wanted 25mg per 12 oz. can using either a 10% Broad spectrum distillate Cbd water soluble or a 20% isolate derived Cbd water soluble, how many liters would I need to make 100 gallons (12,800 fluid ounces of cold brew)?
If my calculations are correct you should need about 27 liters
I dont think u need water soluble, the alcohol content in the beer should hold the cannabinoids.
U want to put 25mg in each beer and that only needs maybe 1/5ml of ethanol to hold.
You only need like an oz of isolate to infuse all those beers.
Just mix an oz of isolate into about 534ml of 200 proof ethanol and put 1/2ml into each bottle or if ur certain on your homogenization, you can just add it to the whole keg and mix.
I wonder if cannabidiol esters have potential to form as a result of the brewing process.
12800 (total fluid oz) / 12 (oz per serving) = 1067 (servings)
1067 (servings) x 25 (mg/dose) = 26,675 (mg total)
Idk I suck at math too
Booooo no it won’t
Good to know, do u know what’s the lowest ABV that cannabinoids will successfully infuse into? I have some wine that doesnt show any seperation and it’s about 1000mg in 750ml of 10-15% ABV.
Be a real man and make yourself some cbd infused mango white claw hard seltzer.
New hit product
I was about to make a thread about cannabinoid beer. I am sitting here drinking my beer feeling relaxed. After just dabbing CBDA, waiting on my CBG to come in I was thinking, what if my beer had a cannabinoid percent next to the alcohol content. That could be a two birds one stone way to meet the demands of someone who cracks open a beer and smokes a doobie after work. I am not saying just CBD beer. I am saying all different ratios depending on desire. I love my doobs and all but I see the future of cannabinoids moving away from the huffing aspect.
Unfortunately here in the states if you’re making a product for resale you can only use non-alcoholic beer or the ABC will be so deep up your ass you’ll taste them. If it’s for personal usage go for it but from the amount you wanted to make it sounds like a product for resale.
There is a bar here in Portland that just squirts you’re pint with a cbd water soluble.
Anyone use flower to essentially dry hop beer?
Caruso said his company’s involvement in the project is limited to brewing the non-alcoholic IPA, which Green Leaf would then infuse with cannabis at its own facility and distribute to dispensaries.
This has been an interesting company… no doubt they have something patented, but I don’t think they can easily scale it (or make cannabis beer taste good) yet.
Lagunitas has an non alcoholic edible beverage you can get at Ca dispensary’s. I actually got to chat with one of the employees a number of years back before it was released.
Oh wow I didn’t realize they were doing THC+CBD beverages, only remember the first terpene infused beers. That’s awesome.
The FDA term is “adulterating,” and they are totally not cool with it. Stay small.