VTA VKL 70-5 Wiped Film Evaporator Body

Is anyone who works for a larger organization that uses a VTA VKL 70-5 currently in need of a replacement or spare evaporator body?

It looks like Roots Sciences has been out of stock on these for a while now, so I thought there might be an organization out there that would not mind paying something close to what Roots Sciences is asking for one of these.

Not looking to price gouge anyone on this, just testing the waters and seeing if there is anyone out there in need of one and is not completely appalled by the retail price.


How about 2/3rds retail? Any takers at $12k?

What about $10k and I will throw in one of these with it at no extra cost.

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One cold trap not enough? OK, how about if it comes with two bonus cold traps for $10k?


Weekend bump. $9.5k?

Bumping it all the way down to $9k. Retail on 3 above pieces totals around $23k.

Bump - Any takers at $8500?

I also have a Japanese made Asahi glass / Cascade pure path dn100 evaporator body that I might as well put up for sale.

It is in excellent condition and looks barely used, if at all. Starting this one at $7500.

Everything in this post is located in the Denver/Boulder area of Colorado. Flexible shipping / pick up options.


$8k for the VTA
$7K for the AGi

Open to reasonable offers.


$7500 for the VTA VKL 70-5 Body

$6800 for the Asahi / Cascade Pure Path DN100 Body


$7k for the VTA body & cold traps

$6k for the Asahi / Cascade Pure Path DN100 Body


Also have a friend in central Cali (near San Luis Obispo) with a fully functional VTA in great condition, complete with five huber baths and the larger cold trap option.

Asking only $48K.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

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$6500 for the VTA body & traps

$5500 for the AGi body

$42,500 for the complete VTA

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Are the VTA still body and cold traps still available?

Yes I still have the evaporator body and both cold traps.

I’ve also got a bunch of ancillary parts so I’ve been tossing around the idea of incorporating everything into a 2 or 3 stage WFE system along with some similarly sized Senco evaporator bodies, but haven’t really done anything towards the build out as of yet, so if you are interested, I would very likely let them go.

Where are you located?

Just looking for a replacement still body and cold traps at the moment. I am located in Eureka, CA. Where are these located?

And what price are you willing to get rid of them for?

Located in Denver Colorado. Shipping would be relatively easy though.

Last listed price of $6500 for the still body and both traps still stands.

Root sciences has just the replacement body listed at $18k and the cold traps at $2k+ on the parts section of their site, so you’re looking at 1/3rd or less of what you’d otherwise pay for the exact same items.

Let me know if you’re still interested at that price.

Moving to DMs