Volume of wet/fresh biomass/flowers

So I need some help here
What’s the volume of 1 kg of fresh flowers ?
We know that 1 kg fresh makes 200grams dry flowers
I think that the volume on average of 1 kg dry flower is 12 liters

But what’s the volume of 1 kg fresh flower.
Trying to figure this out to design appropriate size freezing cel
So what’s the verdict on the volume of wet /fresh buds
How much can you store in your freezer
Of how many liters
Talking about mechanically clipped flowers (fairly rough)
Or unclipped buds only the big leaves taken off
Thx as always


Didn’t you post that earlier today?

Edit: yeah, not quite. No canopy volume, only diameter. Gross overestimate for your use case as well.

Found while looking for answers?


This study was undertaken to identify factors that could predict the average yield of usable biomass under specific growing conditions. The study shows that planting density is a significant factor affecting the shape of plant canopy, which in turn affects the total plant yield. Cannabis crop was cultivated under five different planting densities i.e. 9, 18, 36, 72 and 81 square feet per plant (sq.ft/plant). At the higher planting density (9–18 sq.ft/plant), the horizontal growth rate was decreased which resulted in tall plants and narrow plant canopies, whereas, plants grown under lower planting density (36–92 sq.ft/plant) had larger branching structures coupled with increased available sunlight, soil nutrients and water which resulted in significantly greater biomass yield. Accurate estimate of plant yield can be predicted based on the plant’s fresh weight or based on the measurement of the diameter of the plant at the broadest point in the canopy. The fresh weight at the time of harvest multiplied by the number 0.1437 would result in an estimate of dry weight of useable plant material. That is, on average, 14.37% of the total wet (fresh) weight of the plant would be dry useable biomass. A correlation was also developed between the diameter of a plant’s canopy and the dry weight of the plant, resulting in an empirical formula to calculate the plant’s total dry weight {dry weight=–3.76786 + (0.06666×diameter in cm2)}. The percent usable biomass is then found considering that 34% of the total dry weight of non-sinsemilla plants and 58% of sinsemilla plants is usable biomass. Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge the support of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institute of Health (NIH), Department of Health and Human Services, USA.

I’m pretty sure we’ve got data on that… somewhere (@thesk8nmidget )

Although if you’ve got a “cured” volume, this math might should get you close ya? (No, need “shrinkage on drying”)

The fresh weight at the time of harvest multiplied by the number 0.1437 would result in an estimate of dry weight of useable plant material. That is, on average, 14.37% of the total wet (fresh) weight of the plant would be dry useable biomass.

how come they’re getting 14.37% and you’re gettin 20%?

It’s heath and human services…they’re rumored to grow lousy weed…

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~2-3kg per cubic foot when vac sealed(FF) was what I figured last time, depending on the bag size/how it’s packed that could vary quite a bit


Hmm that’s quiet a lot in an average cubic feet there are approx 29 liters

Ok so iffolkscan tell me how many kg they can fill a 6x48” pipe with of fresh frozen without packing it to much that might help as well

7200-8000g in a 6*48 packed pretty well


Might one not approximate this number simply by knowing how many grams of water were lost liters of water were lost you know 1 g/cm³ and stuff

The only reason they shrunk, was because the water went away. Presumably, we know how much space that water was taking…

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Contemplated that route but
I would imagine with all the FF blasted
The numbers are pretty well known

Closest approximation I can find is
75-80% weight loss and 50% volume loss but I have seen some flowers growing in the fields in winter conditions
Might pick some and dunk em in a volumetric flask and calculate the volume of a wet fresh bud / weight
Let it dry and measure again

Your answer is going to be very strain-specific.


Treu yet there should be an average
Like dry unpressed flowers in volume are about 9-12 liters
So such an average should be possible
If only I can figure out how much they shrink
I would shoot myself if not all the crop destined for fresh frozen doesn t fit the freezing unit

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Moisture content may be more consistent than volume between strains, but it’s all pretty close.

How do you intend to store inside of the freezer? What’s the maximum amount of material that you’ll need to keep frozen?

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Was thinking in xxl vacuum bags the ones used for blankets IF I can find them in PE material the common ones rip easily once frozen
Wet weight is about 18000kg

That’s a lot of room…

Also a lot of room for variance at that scale.

We consistently get 30kg into 4 6x48 columns, but that is material that is already broken up and packed well. It would be 5 columns or more if it wasn’t broken up well or lightly packed.

To avoid breakage, try to keep thinner layers and don’t vacuum the bags too crazy. If you’re crushing inside the bags, it helps to do it on top of a moving blanket.


We had ripping issues due to vac’ing the bags too deep as well.
I usually store around 55kg of FF in a -20C lay down freezer, with each vac seal bag containing about 5,500g. Keeping the bags around that weight helps with moving the product as well as allowing some breathing room when breaking the material up with the sand rammer


…so how about a volume on that “lay down freezer”?

Going for extraction? Harvesting over multiple days?

Freeze and grind (or compress), then store.

More as a backup plan if you notice the volumetrics are wrong by day two…

Can’t have you shooting yourself.


I think I am in an interesting plan B
Take a 40 feet container treat on inside to make airtight with epoxy
Place an airtight fan tubing from front to back purge by low vacuum and nitrigen

Add a shitload of calciumclorid pearls botom and sides.
Terpene retention is very good so far in
Small scale trails
Make calcium chloride containers so to be able to break the cake formation halfway treu the drying process
Once saturated heat the whole thing with gas heating burners to dry salt for next run or use as fertilizer

An ice skating rink should suffice