Vaping CBD is cool, prove me wro... oh

Kinda weird they used MCT oil as the oil base, but whatever.

TL;DR: Vaping CBD is worse for you than nicotine apparently.

very weirdā€¦ who vapes MCT?

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People that buy gas station CBD vapes?


canā€™t really take anything the article says to heart if theyā€™re using this garbage oil as input.

I donā€™t particularly understand why they used MCT oil at all, why not just vaporize the CBD?


I understand the logic to sample right from the cartridges. Itā€™s answering ā€˜are these vapes safeā€™ more than ā€˜is CBD vapour safeā€™. But they should have tried 5-10 different vapes from the legal/medicinal market. Not some boof from a gas station.

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According to someone that supposedly has access to the study:

ā€œThey bought CBD from a company called The Kind Group LLC and mixed it with the MCT oil themselves.ā€

lmao! alright my bad for not reading that in the article. please tell me they performed the experiments on MCT oil alone tooā€¦

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It doesnā€™t mention that in the article, so youā€™re all good.

I would imagine they wouldnā€™t have to, last time I checked MCT oil aerosol inhalation has already been studied.

The study looks like itā€™s free too access by the way.

From the reading I did, the CBD vape already came diluted in MCT.

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WHY? Why would someone dilute something more for a study like this? And with an adulterant? What purpose does that serve?

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Obfuscation of information perhaps?

Iā€™d hope it was unintentional, and they just assumed they would need a carrier for the CBD.

Best case scenario itā€™s just misinformed scientists, worst case itā€™s a hit piece.

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But likeā€¦ if you know that these lipids are adulterants. And you know that those adulterants cause harms. When only looking for a product which contains adulterants seems kinda weird. I mean it could say ā€œadulterant laden CBD vape cartridges tested for lung damageā€ but thatā€™s not what it says.

Like thereā€™s been some really great studies on MCT and Vitamin E Acetate post E-VALI - why just disregard thoseā€¦ I mean, how does this help the science? Let us prove again that lipids are not supposed to go into the lungs. VOILA - we have confirmed the peer reviewed studies. <3 Yay!

Anyway - reading the article it totally gets things wrong from the report in the actual paper. Which happens a lot I suppose. The specifics being that the papers looks like this:

Which has propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin listed coming from the CBD-vape, not MCT. However, the narrative listed exactly the opposite of what the table in the same article lists. The marketing for the ā€œCalm Vapeā€ says that it doesnā€™t have any additives in itā€¦

So I guess who should we believe at this point? The article, which misquotes the study. The study that misquotes itself. The manufacturer of the device? Hmmm.

I mean - I love science. But damn man, canā€™t we get a little more focus on accuracy in science for this stuff. People might start thinking its a good idea to fill vapes with plant lipids again or somethingā€¦

