Vape Device and cartridge 501

Hey !

So i was using I krusher devices and pods for quite some time now. But after switching from Vfire to the Xen I lost a lot of customers because 50% of the Xen pods were not working properly or clogging.

So I think the best for me would be to go back to 501 cartdriges. I tried to contact some companies as AVD ( no reply yet ) , Airstrich, and not yet CCell . I chose those ones after reading the topics on cartdriges here.

Could someone help me find the best :
- cartridges in bulk for Taste, no leak, no clogging ( or really minimal )
- Vape device in bulk

I do not trust Dhgate as i had several bad experiences with them. Do US website more reliable, if yes which ones ?

I would really appreciate if someone with experience could help me sort things out.

Sorry for my english mistakes, it is not my main langage.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


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With distillate? I actually got you. I got a cartridge I could only clog with THCA

I call it the QBD Cottonless Cartridge


with 95 disti / 5 terps.

I was thinking about the website Kushsupply , is it reliable ? thanks

Try this


There’s a reason the top brands in California use AVD or CCELL. Low defect rates, extremely high quality compared to China knockoffs, and a USA company you can fall back on in case a law suit ever happens.


The Cart Farm page where it shows the QBD-g1 & specs on the right side of the pic. It says 4x2.0mm intake. But further down it states the following: “with it’s oversized gaskets to channel oil into it’s large 3x1mm intakes.” Really want to see how they do with d8. I just worry about breaking glass. If it’s breakable, you can be sure I’ll break it. Apologies if I’m asking a stupid question


good luck with that…everybody else is using carts with 510 threads

while getting the right cart may affect your business, the correct location for this post is in the Vape carts section, not Cannabusiness, and that Re-501 tag you used is a rotary evaporator model number.

did you try the search function?!?

Ahhh yes, you discovered my AMAZING web design skills. It is actually 2x3mm intakes


if you want to pay a lot more in taxes and shipping fees then yea. has the lowest price on CCELL.

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sorry, i m new on this forum. Doing my best, thanks for the info !

in fact ,i never find one cart can be compatible for all kinds of oil.if possible ,why not coopetate with the factory to make the unique cart for yourself oil.

Yes i rep @QBD420

Hardware for solid prices, same hardware Rove uses

Hello, do you have any interest to try our pod device?
It’s with good testing feedback for thick oil.

Whenever I see someone type in broken English I can’t help but laugh

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Whenever I see someone say capitalism sucks I do the same.


Whenever I see someone forget satire exists I laugh even more.



These suck

did you try before?