I’m hoping the infinite wisdom that is F4200 could help me elucidate an unknown, beautifully fine, white powder that I have been reliably isolating while attempting to access THCa crystals from ethanol extract. Please let me know if you have any thoughts on what this material might be, I’d really appreciate the discussion! Information is below:
You’re going to ask me what I did, unfortunately I’m held to NDAs, but I can say this was a basic–>acidic then buffered work-up which then involves jartek to crash out THCa. Most of the time it works, but ~30% of the time I get the white powder shown below.
I would LOVE to have 1H 13C NMR data, hplc, mass spec data on this powder but I cannot get it to dissolve.
Solvents it is insoluble in: EtOH, MeOH, toluene, benzene, DMF, THF, DCM, CHCl3, methyl tert butyl ether, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate, acetone, water, hexanes, heptanes, pentane (including heating, and sonication in all of these solvents)
Melting point: >250 C, that’s as high as my melting point apparatus gets and it was still going strong
Alternate Characterization: IR and MS I don’t have access to currently, but I am working on getting this done. Solid state NMR is a possibility as well, but again waiting for some resources. My current theory is some kind of polymer based on the structural durability and insolubility of this material. Perhaps GPC could be enlightening, but I have to brush up on my science behind polymers.
Has anyone else encountered or had any luck deciphering this problem? I can’t wait to hear from the minds of the best!