UL Vac diaphragm pump for sale

Item Model/Manufacturer: UL Vac
Description: Diaphragm pump
Price/MSRP: $1550.00, not interested in trades or barter
Current location of item: Florida
Estimated lead time: 0 Days
Fulfillment: Drop shipped, buyer pays shipping
User support / Warranty: Used, None.

Currently set at less than half price, used, working, some plastic damage but otherwise strong pump. Sold as-is.

AI has the same pump for $1990

I have the same pump for 1550

(also notice that SPW industrial stole Across International’s stock photo, bet you wont hit em @ Across Int’l)

@DrWHY420 does have a point that $1500 for a used $1900 pump is steep. A used ulvac 1.6 is worth $500-1000. Maybe $1100 if it was new open box.

Source: eBay > “ulvac 1.6 cfm”

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Appreciate it. Best offer takes it. Price stands but is not firm.