Description: This setup can be used to extract anything that is ethanol soluable at room temp. Includes a Welch vacuum pump and Poly Science chiller. Everything in this setup is brand new and has not been used at all. All the equipment totaled over $7000 new.
Price/MSRP: $1500
Current location of item: Denver
Estimated lead time: Available immediately
Fulfillment: Pickup in Denver or arrange shipping from Denver
User support / Warranty: The setup is a few months old, there may be some remaining warranty on the components. I can’t offer any warranty beyond that.
I’d tend to post it as ”turnkey 5l Rotovap: polyscience chiller, welch pump. Unused!” as the title.
Folks looking for either a vac pump or a Rotovap are going to be a larger percentage of your audience than folks looking for “ethanol extraction”…
…and folks looking for “ethanol extraction” would expect more pieces of the puzzle than just solvent recovery.
Tagging as “rotovap”, “chiller”, “vac pump” & “solvent recovery” may also help [done].
I’d also loose the psilocybin refs entirely. Anyone looking to play that game should already know what gear they’re looking for, and will be looking specifically for