Turnkey Hemp Extraction Facility / CBD Product Manufacturing Facility for sale - Southern Oregon

Its tough to put this up here but we here at Focus Hemp Co have decided to close up shop and sell the business.

This is a great opportunity for anyone looking for an extraction facility and/or CBD Brand that has its wheels up and running in Eagle Point, OR. Comes with equipment, licensing, brand, inventory, e-commerce and a book of working clients!

Currently had ODA licensing and OLCC certificates but the facility is set up to be easily converted for OLCC.

Here are some basic details but message me and I will email you a full packet of detail and the NDA to sign.

Our facility is completely turnkey for ethanol extraction and product manufacturing. The facility is fully permitted and was built to specification for an OLCC processing facility and could easily take on a cannabis processing license. Please don’t hesitate to contact our organization with questions.

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Facility is located is Eagle Point Oregon

Only a cool million to take over what failed for you?

Where do I sign?

No one mentioned anything about failure - running an extraction lab, consumer goods private label manufacturing facility and multiple CBD consumer brands with E-Commerce presence is a lot for a small team!

The beauty of this facility is that it is suited to do either of those business types or all of them together! We would love to see it go into good hands!