Anybody cultivating truffles? Black, burgundy, or whites? I’ve been thinking about planting a few different trees with inoculated roots to see what does best in my micro climate. Hazel nut is tempting for a dual crop tree, but I think an English oak might do better in my area. Any recommendations for sapling suppliers who have been reliable would be great!
you can find them in established DougFir Forrests
Gary oak and Hazelnut are two species that occur in the PNW and act as hosts to the three native species of Truffles. I have read that Willow, Birch and Maple can also host, but most of the nurseries are looking at oak or Hazelnut as they have the best success. Hazelnut can also be a wonderful dual/Tri crop, as the nuts can feed livestock and be turned into nut butter. hazelnuts last 50 yrs, Oaks centuries. at 4k/kg with 30-40kg/acre/yr their a wonderful addition to any permaculture farm, and will provide a supplemental excuse to get another Dog.
couple resources for those interested:
OR Nursery: inoculated truffle seedlings | truffle scientist | Fungi (
English Oak Trees Inoculated W/ Bianchetto Truffles Truffle Plant - Territorial Seed Company
BC Nursery: First Canadian Truffle Grown, Truffle Trees and Lagotto Dogs (
edited for bad grammar