Tricked out Pure Pressure Rosin Presses: sold

Item Model/Manufacturer: Pure Pressure
Description: (2) Longs and (2) Pikes Peak Rosin Press
Price/MSRP: Asking $6000 and $5000 / MSRP $9600 and $7000
Current location of item: Boulder, CO
Estimated lead time: Zero
Fulfillment: Drop shipped / Direct from seller: Pick up Preferable
User support / Warranty: As is

There are (2) Longs Peak and (2) Pikes Peak Rosin presses available. Each one is decked out to the nines. They are lightly used, but were very loved. They are housed in Boulder, CO and are ready for a new home. Asking $6000 for each Longs Press and $5000 for each Pikes Press.

I’m happy to answer any questions. Thanks for Looking.

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Did you mod them, if you did what were the mods.

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Yes, they are modded. They have the Automated pressure control kit and the LCD touch screen. The mods retail for about 3k and the specific functions can be on the pure pressure web site here. Rosin Press for Sale - Commercial Rosin Presses & Kits

Why selling?

Please check your DMs. I’ll take one today!

Business is pivoting to a greener venture.

Still available? Shoot me a Dm I’m interested.

they are sold. ty for inquiring

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