VT updated their regulations in May 2020, youre welcome to interpret the new regulations, ill post the relevant parts:
8.4. When a hemp product or hemp-infused product does not meet the acceptable
potency level and/or the required action limits, the product must be disposed of or
destroyed in accordance with Section 14.
Section 9 Reporting and Disposal, Destruction, or Mitigation Requirements
9.1. If a harvest lot exceeds the acceptable potency level or the required action
limits in the Cannabis Quality Control Program, then the following conditions apply:
(a) The certified laboratory shall send the certificate of analysis containing the result
and the testing request form within 24 hours of completing the harvest lot test
i. the Agency by certified mail or electronically to an individual identified by
the Agency, and
ii. the registrant who requested the testing.
(b) The registrant, within 48 hours of receiving the certificate of analysis, shall
provide the following information to the Agency by certified or electronical mail
(to an Agency-identified individual):
i. a copy of the certificate of analysis for the harvest lot;
ii. a copy of the map used during the registration process depicting the
harvest lot cultivation area; and
iii. the proposed action plan for disposal, destruction, or mitigation.
(c) Failure to notify the Agency within 48 hours as required may result in
enforcement under Vermont law.
(d) A harvest lot exceeding the acceptable potency level shall not be processed into
hemp concentrate or used to formulate hemp products or hemp-infused
products. Concentrate, products or infused products created from such a
harvest lot may result in the disposal or destruction of those concentrates or
9.2. The proposed action plan for disposal and destruction of harvest lots or process
lots shall be reviewed and approved by the Agency prior to implementation.
Section 14 Enforcement
14.1. Violations.
(a) If the Secretary determines that a registrant violated any provision of 6 V.S.A.
Chapter 34 or these Rules, the Secretary may require corrective action, revoke
the Agency’s registration, issue and enforce a stop sale order, take
administrative enforcement action, refer a matter to the Attorney General for
civil enforcement, and/or refer a matter to law enforcement for potential
criminal enforcement.
Examples of violations that will, at minimum, require corrective action are as
i. failure to provide a legal description of the land where hemp is produced;
ii. failure to appropriately register with the Agency;
iii. failure to produce Cannabis sativa L. that complies with the required
acceptable potency level.
(b) When instructed to correct a violation, the registrant shall:
i. propose a written corrective action plan to the Agency within 10 days of
receipt of any notice of violation. The plan shall also include a proposed
date for completion of the correction action plan;
ii. obtain written Agency approval for the corrective action plan once the plan
is acceptable;
iii. comply with the approved corrective action plan; and
iv. report to the Secretary in writing every six months for the next two
calendar years explaining how the registrant is complying with Chapter 34
and these Rules.
(c) A registrant that negligently produces Cannabis sativa L. with a delta-9
tetrahydrocannabinol concentration that exceeds the acceptable potency level
shall arrange for the Secretary to destroy or order the destruction of the hemp
(d) A person who negligently violates these Rules three times in a five-year period
shall be ineligible to produce hemp for a period of five years beginning on the
date of the third violation. The Secretary, for good cause shown, may choose to
impose a different penalty.
14.2. Other violations.
If the Secretary determines that a registrant intentionally, willfully, and/or knowingly
violated Chapter 34 or these Rules, the Agency will take more significant enforcement
action than if the registrant made a good faith effort to comply with the law and these