Topicals for Bell's Palsy

We are working on some topical formulations for the first time and we have coworker who was recently diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy. They asked if the topical would help and I figured it would make sense to ask the masses. Anyone have 1st hand experience/know anyone who has tried it? We’re probably going to find out but one person is a pretty small sample size.

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So sorry for your coworker, bells is a bizarre thing. When my buddy came down with it he just woke up one morning having lost motor control over half of his face, I’ve never seen anything like. Half of his face was wrinkle free and looked like a 20 year old kid, the other half looked like a stressed out guy in his mid forties. This was 15 years ago so cannabis for medical conditions wasn’t a thing Around here yet. As I remember for him it had to do with a pinched or blocked nerve commonly due to stress and inflammation. Maybe a high dose oral CBD/THC capsule or gummy to help with the inflammation?

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Bizarre indeed. At first we thought it was a stroke, scary shit

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Yeah we thought the same thing but decided that couldn’t be it since the immobility was limited to half of his face.

I feel for your friend…I’m a bit of a medical oddity, having had Bell’s three times. All associated with a lot of stress. On the shortest bouts I was given corticosteroids, so there’s a chance topicals might help, No harm in trying, but it generally clears in four to six weeks regardless of treatment.

First time I had it I was 18, went into the student health center for a doc exam…he said there could be discomfort as the muscles just hang, without muscle tone. He suggested if it was bad I could splint the sagging cheek with a tongue depressor and tape.

Some docs apparently don’t get that teenagers can be a bit self conscious!


It’s certainly a weird thing. They gave him steroids as well, his biggest issue is not being able to blink the one eye. They gave him an eye patch for it and told him to keep up with the eye drops or it could fuck up his eye.