Top Quality Flowers(CBD/THC), Vape, Concentrates, and CBD For sale In New York

Hello everyone, we deliver top shelf cannabis and cannabis products to patients with needs. We carry flower , edibles, shatter , crumble , vapes cartridges, CBD, topicals , tincture , pre rolls. If you’re interested, contact us here or using any of that details below. Thanks.

Signal App: 509 818-0792

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I’m wanting to make carts out of some of my crumble, can someone help me out please? What’s the ratio of crumble to shatter batter? What else do I need?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Lawson’s creek

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Lawson’s creek

All u do is use ceramic coils with a 10mm intake. Heat ur extract up dont mix them just melt them and inject into ur carts. If your wanting to change the viscosity of it then use terpenes

10mm intake? what you smoking?!?

carts are ~10-12mm in diameter.
the 510 threads on the bottom?
7mm diameter.

even if such a critter existed, @jaybam420 hasn’t been seen in years.

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