"Top" Biz Consultants According to Forbes

I know right. They put trump on there and we know he ain’t a billionaire


“We list individuals rather than multigenerational families who share fortunes”
Hard to quantify how much wealth the people printing our “Federal Reserve Notes” have.


You can pay to not be on the list. That’s what most wealthy people do.


This looks like an article showing how many ways you can misspell my name :wink:


Frankly genius to list this article right after a (seemingly) favorable election day for the industry.

Forbes mostly does make you join a paid “council” to get articles & quotes published, but I don’t think this journalist charges anything. He’s new to the industry so just probably just picked people he met personally. Nothing against Andrew, but should’ve listed Quantum9, Pistil & Stigma, Medicine Man, etc.

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Nothing against the writer, or anyone who gets written about. Forbes and seo dominant sites are 100% pay to play mills now. Top to bottom. They also have tons of writers eligible to get published on their sites who make that promise and sales pitch.

Hell I get ads on Facebook by other marketers that they’ll get my article or website product / service on those sites.

Easiest way to know.

Top 5 products/people/services for niche subject is the entire template. Their names got copied and pasted after the check cleared.

See all the articles forbes has conflicting views about Google. Some are paid to make them look awful. Some are paid to make them look incredible. Back and forth. The same topic can be written by two different writers with the goal being opposing views.

I know a company he wrote another article about - didn’t charge anything. Just randomly met and liked them.

But overall agreed, it’s annoying. Companies have offered me article quotes in return for consulting lol. If you thought getting offered equity for a pre-revenue company is ridiculous…


Totally they do get that moment to pay it forward with an article here and there they didn’t sell to write. This isn’t that moment lol.

It’s just domain authority tactics.

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Its obviously fake. I didnt even see my name on there one time pfffft

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How could Forbes do this to me?


Noone knows the DeAngelo name round these parts? Most people know Steve who usually takes the spotlight, but Andrew is a move maker, props to his https://www.lastprisonerproject.org

F42k is a bubble, and when in it we may feel we’re all here, but the majority of players and operators I know who are in cannabis are not, but I’ve always felt the ones who should be here… are.


Steve definitely rings a bell.
Like stated previously nothing against these people and I’m sure they have their own circles and successes.
Forbes itself credibility wise is just not there anymore due to its practices.

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