Tips to improve cannabinoid concentration in distillate/extract

So you’ve never run SPD?

Not a requirement, but there is a learning of fractions you’ve probably missed.

Can you explain how many fractions you’re getting off that wiper, and try translating @Lightbulb’s SPD ramble into “relevant to my WFE”?

Are you seeing chunks in your feed flask after decarb? In your wiper body? (Maybe I should filter more?!?)

Even if you’re not, can you now tell us what’s going on, and how to solve it?

(See up thread)

If you dig into WFE parameters around here, you’ll probably find more than enough to bump that potency up.

Eg: Condenser is truth. Wfe settings

Including the concept that input cannabinoid profile matters.


Unfortunately, no, never have run a short path but my partner has and has helped to put things into context along with my own research. Still no substitute for real world experience but nonetheless, this is where I’ve landed…

I’m seeing 3 distinct fractions across the dual wiper system. Heads/terps coming off after passing through the first wiper and then the tails and mains separating after passing through the second.

The temps we’re running on the 1st wiper are in the range of 190C for the evap body and 30-35C for the condenser (at about 150-250mtorr), while the second wiper body runs around 160C with the condenser temp about 70C (approx. 2-4mtorr).

So far, no chunks in the decarb reactor after pouring off and wiper bodies look clean, aside from an apparent sugar issue we had with some less than fresh (I.e. brown) biomass that wreaked havoc on the evap body process lines of the wiper system - since been cleaned and lesson learned.

In the end it generally seems to point towards fine tuning the pre processing to give the best shot at ending up with a crude that contains as few undesirables as possible before starting the distillation and then dialing those parameters in. Easier said than done but I’m up for the challenge :wink:. Thanks again to everyone.


Don’t recall a response from you on this @NitroCat

Nor is it obvious that folks have visited the link to winterization.


Presumably because they think they understand that part.

So can you tell us how one can filter out the

…because that which you thought you might could do, you can do…and I was trying to point you at said information.

Along with sage advice such as

From a guy that taught himself how to refine his own meds to water clear in his home…and tried to make that information available to any who wanted it…


We winterize by extracting at sub-zero, trying to maintain a minimum temp of -25C but ideally closer to -35/-40. Our chiller has a maximum (minimum) threshold of -40, so it’s hard based on our current setup to continuously keep the temp that low and maintain the desired throughput.


You skip winterizing, by extracting at those temps.

You avoid some of the pickup. Not all of it.

Especially if you can’t actually maintain those temps or take too long to get the job done

I recommend you try winterizing some of your input. AND some of your output….and show us (or just your boss) what you manage to drop out.

As noted, some folks find winterizing between first and second pass is most efficient.

Which should tell you that at least some of those fats/waxes can co-distill…(and lower your potency)


This is chlorophyl membrane bound proteins that were oil soluble and turn water soluble after denaturing. Decarbing before winterization will help get rid of this stuff, but the chlorophyl takes a long time to denature so it can still happen during distillation.

Run water through the machine and this stuff will come off quickly.

The wipers and walls were coated in that black crusty sticky stuff, and machine cleaned itself so fast I didn’t get a chance to catch it on video. This was about a minute. The top line of crust came off after a few minutes from the splashing.


I was always amazed at the amount of crap that came out of our WFE after running some water + micro90 through, and almost always right away like you describe