Tincture decarb with time?

I’m making edibles and doing an ethanol 190 proof wash.

Normally, I decarb first, but wasn’t being mindful and completely forgot and started the wash.

I read somewhere that the tincture can decarb naturally without heat if left for 4 months. How true is this statement?

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You’re gonna need to decarb with heat

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You could also add mgo or magnesium oxide to your tincture as a decarb catalyst. @cyclopath ??


You can check out this site for some different instructions of how to decarb etc: Extraction by IchiBanCrafter – Ethanol/Alcohol Extraction. Crafting Concentrates For Medicine, Smoking and Edibles.

your tincture with decarb with time. it will also degrade over time.

I haven’t done any time courses to measure the effect, but there is definitely data around here suggesting that decarb in ethanol is accelerated when compared to crude resin.

I have tested tinctures made by folks that soak their biomass for months. last one had essentially ZERO THC left in it.

you might look into bromocresol green

Tricks of the trade - #655 by CdpIchem