Thinking of switching from Apollo to Icarus

So I’ve been toying with idea of switching from my Apollo extractor to an Icarus, but I have never run a bidirectional system before more nor have I used nitrogen assist. All things I’m willing to learn, I just don’t want my naiveness to to lead me in the wrong direction. Would I be wrong in assuming the Icarus is far superior to the Apollo? Also is running bidirectional flow as good for running gold? In my experience you don’t want to run to much solvent over your material or you will strip more than desired. Also another thing I notice about the Icarus is the material column is not a dewax column. I’m assuming this is because there’s is a seperate dewax chamber altogether, but I thought I was supposed to freeze the material as well to lock in the chlorophyll.

Also could someone give me a run down on the nitrogen assist. I would love to ditch the pump.


Bi directional is nice nust to sure you washed all the saturated solvent out. You dont have to run that many lbs just a few… i use to flood from the bottom wait a min or so then flush using the top. It also helps to not have the single directional having solvent just sitting in your mayerial while it drain unless your pushing. If your going to a separate dewax vessel so you dont have to be so quick to empty column you can remove the unwanted compunds on the way to the collection pot