I personally prefer to keep them around 1lb / bag, as it is easier for loading unloading. No reason you couldn’t put a couple bags in there at a time.
I’ve gotten away with it using 2-liter mason jars. But I really didn’t trust it, and chilled within a 5 gallon bucket in case it broke. Stainless, hell even aluminum, would probably be a better option.
I used to do that too, until I started milling my biomass and those are the amounts that allow for me to easily put in and remove everything within seconds. We all find what works best for us.
I found that the ice cream maker bases that you put in the freezer can handle -80C, and fit a bottle of everclear well.
Keep them women in shape ha
In regards to your question about the bag sizes, yes you could do so. Just remember that the 25 bag retains liquid real well, so make sure to spin your bags to aid in emptying them as much as you can before putting it in to the panda.
Hey all!
I just wanted to throw this up to calm some nerves about using AC. I know the fear of losing your oil that comes with AC, especially when you see your oil go through the cake for the first time. Check out these results from a run we did last week!
I hope that helps!
Does the panda do the spinning? How does one spin the bag before the panda?
Grab the bag from the pot by the top, at the draw string. Hold it above the pot and spin the bottom while holding the top. This will squeeze the etho out into the pot. Keep spinning the bag till you get as much liquid out as possible. Proceed to put first bag into panda. Make sure to distribute the weight evenly. Spin the second bag and put in panda. Start the panda. I hope that clears it up.
So it’s better to do this than throwing right in the panda? It won’t squeeze out too much bad dark nasty?
Have you ever tried an in-line carbon filter? Or inline particulate filter?
@Champone We have been musing with the idea ever since you and I spoke about it. I haven’t had a chance to go to the hardware store yet!
The reality is that we aren’t far away from moving on from bucket tek and into a reactor. With that will come more high volume filtration equipment. So, I’m balancing my own interest in whether or not this could work with the reality that even if it does I probably won’t be using it in 6 months!
Did you ever give the inline carbon filter a shot? Do you think it will prove economical?
How do you do the soak in a reactor? My filters are on the way! I can send you a couple if you want to play around with them. Once I get them here. I got a reg particulate and a pleated. And of course the carbon. My only thought if the carbon filter being unlike your cake in build a cylinder vs one flat layer if it would soak up too much. Thoughts?
I’m here wondering how one would get the biomass from the reactor into a centrifuge in a timely manner. Use finer crushed material and pump it?
You and me both
My tincture comes out pretty much golden, brownish in volume. Is worked for me. It took some trial and error to get to this point. Things can change. Is just easier to put the bags in like this and you won’t make a mess transferring between pot and panda.
It’s to reduce spilling I understand now
I tried doing it in the bag with the last few pounds of the hemp I was running today. Holy hell does it make it go much easier and faster. I think this is going to be the standard way I’ll do it from now on.
I know that color!