Hello everyone, got some time to finish up the prototype spout, i have a few modifications to the design to make before i finalize and release, thought id have more time to do this lol, but you know how it goes sometimes when your at the helm of multiple businesses.
upon testing this design i discovered the need for a baffle to direct the flow into hole, also the barb hole is being resized to 1" MNPT, which will be less of a restriction. other than that it seemed to work pretty well.
I put it on my oldest panda, and the only one i have with a broken spout currently. This unit has been decommissioned for awhile now, fits and works like a charm, will be more effective with this final round of design adjustments and modifications.
Edit: I have sent out for a set to printed on a buddies high resolution industrial SLS machine, ill post when i receive them