The Role of Humates in Enhancing Mushroom Growth

I can ask him.

I just sprayed a little on a grain to grain transfer to wet the grain a bit more at 1 ml per gallon. I also did the exact same grain to grain transfer with no agtonik as control. I’ll post what happens.


I observed no obvious difference in growth rate with this test.


Thank you for your evaluation! We appreciate you giving it the test.

The biggest difference is when used before sterilization at 5-10ml/gallon of medium.

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why are you copy/pasting from a european cultivation website? What kind of bot ring is this?

Humic acids have been known to improve a plant's yield and even keep the plants hydrated for longer periods of time. I am not, however, sure if humic acids would be appropriate for [mushrooms](

The agtonik doesnt reallt speed up colonization. That has more to do with ur nutrient content, moisture content, temp of bags when transfering and the strength/vigour of your isolated mycelium.

What i did notice was more flushes and fuller flushes but i am adding a bit more to my sub recipes then most people do. So it might be working in sync with my other additives.

One thing i have noticed is if a bag does get trich, if the bag had agtonik added to it, it actually gives a chance for the mycelium to out compete the trich. Bags that didnt have agtonik never was able to fully eat the trich and take it over.

I only did 2 side by sides b4 deciding to throw agtonik into every step of the way, in the grain b4 sterilization and all the water used to hydrate the sub b4 pasturization.


This is an awesome evaluation of fulvic in mushroom production.

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Very interesting ive just recently started growing lions mane mushrooms and Im trying to learn as much as I can before experimenting with adding acids or beneficial bacteria. This kind of stuff was being talked about a lot in the cannabis industry so I was surprised that outside of a few research papers I couldnt find much info from mushroom cultivators.

Do you know how much your yield improved on first flush vs the control?

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Roughly 20% increase over control