The Quest for Compliant Hemp Hash Rosin

I’ll gladly review and purchase when ready
Terp profile?


It has a piney citrus savory smell


nice to see it isn’t cut with disty/isolate like those hapi innovations people


Looks good man :fire::facepunch:


I’m pretty shocked anyone asked this. I tried this over the summer with sub-par rosin diamonds I was making. In certain lights the jar appeared straight up purple so I wanted to try to use photodegredation to hopefully beat up the dark color a little bit and bring out the purple hues. It didn’t work so well. However what it did do was increase the size of the diamonds to BIG motherfuckers that never ended up actually keeping form. It was a very low THCA bullshit rosin I was hoping was going to form - once I have a higher THCA sample to test I’m probably going to try it again. Dark or not it tasted fucking GOOD though and ended up more like a sap than anything. Considering trying different spectrums next time though.


Thank you for sharing, that’s very interesting. I haven’t done any long term exposure experiments yet but I will and I’m glad someone else is messing around with it too.

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I figured it sort of in a way where you leave a dark t-shirt out in the sun and forget about it. The lighter tones seem to stay but the darker hues seem to be hit the hardest by UV.

What was the length of exposure?

One jar was 2 wks and one jar was a month. Let me try to dig up some pics for you. The remediation wasn’t very successful as it still has a very very amber color - I feel kinda silly I thought UV could change actual (what i’m assuming is) trich related darkness but it could have other applications elsewhere once you see this. I found the flicks last night so I can post them today for you

Ok, so you can’t see it INSANELY well in the pic, but in person you could see that under low lights, the majority of this jar had a fucking super purple glow to it. Like a deep-down type purple if you know what I mean, you can kinda see it in this pic. Now for those of you who have done it black fades to a purple-y color pretty easily depending on the pigmentation (i know, …ahem…hemp…ahem… is not paint…but still. EXPERIMENTS!) so I applied my white trash thinking to it.

The UV (somehow, be it through the actual UV itself or through the added heat it put on the metal lids potentially) pumped the diamonds the fuck up BIG time to straight rocks. However it did not end up forming properly and even after a decent cooldown/burpy burp/etc it didn’t keep on both jars.

This was made from sub-par cleaned up gg4 dry sift pressed super fucking high up (210f) because it just wasn’t that good. I am beyond shocked that any sort of formation happened but hey - fuck it. I’m sure at some point i’ll have enough to make another few fuckaround jars soon. I have a few ideas that i’ve shared with some of the boys about HOW I think I could regularly make Rosin diamond rocks that big but it involves a bit more specialized gear that I don’t have the budget for now. I really REALLY do hope that within a few months I can be posting fully formed rosin rocks that big that hold their shape.


Awesome, that’s wild as hell. What sort of UV lamp were you using? I’m using the type they install inside HVAC air handlers

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Nah dude not even like straight up badass UV-as-fuck lights, just plain` ol t-5s so the UV was very minimal. I didn’t want a large heat issue with it and wanted to keep it around the same baseline temp and figured anything more potent would HUGELY change the norm., I kept checking it with a laser them to make sure it was on point at about 120f with a clone dome on top of it so it wasn’t screwed with by the odd draft here and there. I think the set was an 8 bar t-5 even with the original bulbs, nothing fancy at all about it. Although that would be a super interesting test - i’ve never used the high output UV lamps but that would CERTAINLY degrade that a lot faster than easy peazy t-5s

Like fuck, now you’re making me wanna cop one of these to see what I can do with them. Of course my grower buddies will wanna hit me. “whatcha doing with that expensive ass UV system?” “oh locking it in a box with a jar of rosin”


Vent it if you do, lol that shit gets kinda hot. I set one up in a cardboard box for 2 hours and have been too anxious to do a full 40 hour exposure until I find a metal cabinet of some sort to put it in.

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Maybe a huge ass upturned plastic trim bin with a small exhaust fan hooked to a temp switch?


God damned it! That’s just too simple, and perfect of an option to use! Fuck, what’s next?

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So I made some fuckaround diamonds with some old dark hash rosin where the plants had been overflow and “field dried” (I didn’t find out til after I ran the shit) and I am honestly surprised. I’m sure I could/should have gone longer but I grew some fat rocks on a wax melter in about a week. They’re like an inch long and dirty as hell. Idk how to clean them IMG_20210306_160128_057|400x500

Have to get some hexane or pentane and do a cold wash in a clean ss mesh strainer.
Preferably chill with dry ice. Check the forum someones posted this tech before

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Washing, or fuge… Those are your option.


I’ve seen the centrifuge with fritted tube tech on here before, thanks for reminding me. Maybe I’ll get one if people decide they give a shit about “solventless” cbd diamonds

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You can pick 1 up pretty damn cheap! You might want to pick 1 up just to have 1 laying around. It’s a worthwhile investment if diamonds are in any of your plans to scale up, or sell products

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