The Original Rosinator XL co2 option tumble extraction to rosin

this is the only one i have atm

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@Kinsmanofthesun what did you end up going with for rosin press. I can get ahold of DL who made the rosinator. Sorry to see this so late.

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makes a little over a unit per hr and not green lol

I have a Sasquatch. Have had it for a longgg time now. Great machine. Haven’t made rosin but a couple of times though. Looking forward to semi retirement when I can put more focus and energy towards it.


Why did you choose large tumbler design vs industrial vibrating sifter, boss man?

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So I can inject ln2.


Co2 I believe

I use liquid nitrogen.


isnt ln2 more expensive? whats the pros vs cons here when deciding between the two

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One is colder soninstead of dumping a tank into a tumbler I can inject small amounts to achieve -100.


Hit me up let’s be friends

69kg bio mass bubble hash washing machine


Tell us more


So…this is fucking sick if it works as it should, unfortunately a lot of us would be hesitant to run a load that big nevermind purchase it without maybe a function video - if you could post maybe the washing process/output (aka scooping the bags) i’m sure it would go a really long way in securing more interest for yourself


Right, 69kg is a big claim and I bet @Amberdawn would have a lot of people’s attentions if it delivers.

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To be fair if it delivers it’s doing 3x what most systems seem to do as they look like the top out mainly around 20kg of FF material. I can knock out 6-7k in a 45g brute for scale so doing 10 washes in one would be…I don’t know what word i’d use but my spine won’t be powder by 50 is what i’m getting at.

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I will post video soon, when run first batch, we just got this machine this week.
I’m just waiting for the chiler to be conect to this machine


This machine can run with water for bubble hash and for ethanol extration is well .
Tank 250ltr , six pistons each filing 10kg of bio mass or flower

Looking forward to it! Thanks very much!