The future is so bright you gotta wear 🕶s

This is the future!


I’m all for moonshining but do you not need to alter the engine to run pure ethanol? Orifice holes and what not, I dunno I’m not a rocket surgeon.

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Found this when searching on YT

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Not if your vehicle is flex fuel which a lot of them are now because gas stations are selling ethanol.

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Big Oil is a scam

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Diesel made at home is similar. If you get caught running non-taxed fuel, be prepared for the fines. I personally ran two tanks in my old diesel and tapped the fuel line and return.

My friend uses off road diesel, how would you even get caught for it? What would warrant a cop to stop you and search your fuel tank?

In the UK (notably Ireland) they dye the diesel fuel red. They stop you and put a dipstick in your tank to check. Idk what warrants a stop. There are certain ways to avoid it via farm tax stuff that I don’t understand so that’s where I stop.


Drive a truck to a stock yard, cattle auction, or major event where farmers gather…cops will dip tanks to check. Around any major industry that runs off road diesel… they’ll check your tank if they think they can get ya. Heard from a farmer they were checking tanks at an event he was at recently. It does happen…just not to most people.


Just need to add 40%-45% more fuel for it to burn at stoich afr. Ethanol is like race gas and has a higher octane then gasoline which makes it better for high power applications due to less chance of detonation. Can also run more advanced ignition timing with ethanol then gasoline. My racecar already runs on e85 and have been looking into making my own fuel for a while now. If you run a standalone ECU you can run GM’s flex fuel sensor and it will account for the fue/timing change needed depending on ethanol content also :+1:


How is that not unlawful search? They don’t have probable cause

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For the most part it’s only criminals (and their dastardly attorneys) who rely on probable cause/right to remain silent.


True. The law only applies if you know it


Lol UK cops are that desperate they’ll check your oil to see if it’s legal

Absolute state of the UK.

Or people who understand their rights


Pump it straight into your cars fuel tank but is it good for making crude :thinking:

Usually people open their mouths in casual conversation and say something to implicate themselves.


Yes I think everyone who doesn’t know should watch this
The police are taught your constitutional rights and taught how to get around it or make you give up your rights