Thcp strength

Do you know how much you dab exactly?

Probaly right around 100mg

Wow, that’s still quite a lot

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Yeah lol it definitely sounds like a lot but I only use it recreationally a couple times a month and in comparison to how much D9 it takes for me to get high it’s a drop in the bucket

You dab 100mg in one shot or over a couple of days?

In one go, I sometimes will add some terps and split it into two dabs but I wont really feel much unless I take both

Wow, that’s incredible. Your tolerance must be insane

“Feeling high” has what medicinal value?


It has tremendous pain relief. I suffer from many injuries from my army days which are quite painful, when I took thcp the pain went away. (Of course I took way too much plus I really do not like nor use thc in general).
So I imagine for people that suffer from chronic pain this would be useful but I still think thc would be the smarter choice over this by far.

Okay but do you have to “feel high” in order for the pain to go away?

I mean it’s an honest question I really don’t know and I want to know

Unfortunately yes, that’s the reason I do not use thc.
It does take the pain away but I do not like being high from it so I rather deal with the pain.
My wife had spine surgery and she smokes a joint every night before bed so she can sleep. She enjoys it so for her it’s good.

If I may suggest, maybe you should look into ketamine IV pain remediation treatment program.

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Not big on drugs actually. Plus I’m in Europe and they do not offer such a thing.
Only surgery and long therapy unfortunately.

It’s not a therapy you take home with you. It’s a therapy session that is supervised by an anesthesiologist and it works for long-term pain management. If you’d like me to I can try to dig up places you can get it done in Houston?

I’m I’m europe, they do not offer that over here at all.

Might be worth for plane ticket to Texas

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Where do I say that… if you could read you would see I said I hardly feel D9 as I use so much for medicinal reasons :rofl: but you can keep being a salty loser :+1::man_shrugging:

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And that silly comment of yours came because I asked a sincere question that I wanted an answer for

For me to be a “salty loser” I would have to engage in some sort of “a competition” with you, and I believe it’s obvious to anyone with more than a couple of brain cells to rub together I’ve done no such thing (as of yet). Seems to me like you’re trying to overcompensate for some inadequacies that you are feeling guilty of. If you wish to debate me on any subject by all means please let me know?


Learn to read dude… I said I take it for medical reasons and DON’T feel high :man_facepalming:, nowhere do I say anything about being high being medicinal

And yes by the number of emojis you used in that response you’re a salty ass with a cry me a river mentality :shushing_face: