THCA Purification

Hi All,
After centrifuging I do not have all of the terpenes removed from the THCA. Does anyone have any recommendations for purifying the THCA and removing the terp fraction surrounding the crystals in a safe and compliant way? I was thinking of just filling up a filter plate on my material column and rinsing the crystals off that way?

Does anyone know how BFS would feel about an open beaker of butane and using a sweat basket to pour it over the THCA to clean it up that way in a C1D1 booth? I have been finding it challenging to write SOP’s with confidence in the compliance aspects for this procedure. I don’t have any additional columns or pressurized vessels besides my extractor to work with.

Pentane is a bit safer then using butane


So could, but like @Thetetraguy said - there are other solvents that would be safer for you. Pentane is good - I always use it cold.

Is there a reason you want to remove them all and are not just leaving them in the vac chamber and pulling them off? Most are volatile around room temperature, you know?

Are you sure it is terpenes and not some other impurity?

In Michigan if you want to do this kind of stuff, they still want you to have like some specialized pressure equipment (not just a jar for instance). But I don’t know if you are in Michigan.

Let us know a bit more and we might be able to point you to things that have worked in other places.

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Its incredibly easy to separate the last waxes and volatiles with a rosin press after spinning off all the things that make it tricky in the first place.

Probably not as scale friendly as a solvent

Toss it in a bag, set to 180f and squish. You can do a 100 grams at a time in a few minutes. 98% purity is a reasonable expectation.


I am in Michigan. I just have the extractor itself and a C1D1, which is why I thought just a rinse thru the material column would work. I do not have a fume hood.

How do you safely store the pentane in a fridge or freezer?

One of the SKU’s I want to make is a pure THC product from a cannabinoid standpoint with botanical terpenes added. I would say it is HTE so minors with terpenes, not just the terpenes.

I have been trying hard to educate myself on NFPA codes, my hope is I can educate myself enough to be able to have a lot of confidence in creating procedures that my BFS agent would be proud of. I want to help set a safety standard, but I know I still have a lot to learn to get there.

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You better recrystalyze them in pentane, several time.

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You can use your normal chiller, to a tank in the room - just like you do for your extraction skid.

Or you can put it in a bucket with ice water. :wink:


+1 on cold pentane. makes your rocks icy clean


You do this in a pan? Do you pour over crystals in a sweat basket?

usually in a beaker or jar and i always save the pour off and give it a few days to see if anything else crashes out.

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Does BFS only allow you to use pentane within a c1d1?

No its a C1D2 substance. But he said he had a C1D1 but not a fume hood (you’d need a fume hood otherwise) so he could potentially use it in there as part of his SOP.

Since the C1D1 space is rated for all kinds of vapors probably (he’d need to check) which would include those from IPA, EtOH, pentane, etc. Kind of a nice part - you can do trans filling and stuff in there with the right grounding stuff and what not.

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Do you know if BFS allows you to off gas it or does it need to be recovered? Thank you for all of your insight.

BFS doesn’t seem to care about off-gassing as long as it is in a place where that off-gassing is safe, like a C1D1 room or a fume hood.

EGLE has some rules about emissions in Michigan - but they have a cannabis program and its not hard to get permits approved even for large amounts of emissions.

BFS was okay with off-gassing ethanol and butane in my past experience. One in a hood and one in a C1D1 space.