THCa isolate from 2015

confirmation on purity == stability

isolate powder from some of our original trials still hanging out and fairly white.


:fire: that’s what I’m talking about.

Can’t wait to make this the industry norm.

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Definitely looks awesome just having to wait 4-5 years is a bit much lol

Would love to see analytics on these!!!


My stuff was made within a couple of days and sat in a drawer for 4-5 years. Looks practically the same just darker and harder then 4-5 years ago. Just lost it xD not an intentional wait time lol

The hard part is what gets me. It used to be soft. Now it’s fossilized

Me too, I miss $80 potency test.

Shits too expensive now

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I started separating all my fresh frozen terps from my diamonds. I know the terps will degrade over time even with proper storage but doubt the diamonds will. I don’t plan on storing 5 years though. Wonder if the THCA has a small amount of terps on the outside like these if it will degrade. I guess I can start running them longer to get them cleaner


I would tend to believe yes, the remaining terps coating the crystal would degrade the thca overtime

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I’m storing a 2.5g diamond I made about 2 months ago. I was storing it at room temp in this black jar that seals terp sauce inside and doesn’t leak so I’m hoping it seals enough to slow oxidation down at least. I decided to put it in my mini fridge to make sure it stays cool also, wondering if this is necessary and if anyone thinks it may effect it negatively. image|375x500

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I’m going to say room temperature over time will degrade it faster then refrigeration because of the oils in the jar. if it was refrigerated I think it would keep 10x longer then room temperature. depending on UV exposure it could be degraded considerably faster. keep it in a cupboard or something and it should be Stoney for years. unless it gets hot in your house :hot_face:

I’d personally keep it in the fridge with the rest of my terpy stuff.