Thca hemp farmers Oklahoma

So I’m looking for any thca hemp farmers in Oklahoma I got a few questions an would like to ask a few things

Oh dear god…


Dm I know some farmers

Wouldn’t it be hemp farmers be growing this

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Im cuban be


Nah man its da real ting

they might call themselves that to avoid being arrested, but THCa Hemp is not an actual thing, no. It’s marijuana.
Hemp and marijuana are both under the family of “cannabis” technically, but when the farm bill was written about the cultivation/sale of hemp, the aim was not to allow for the unlicensed growing of THC rich flower (what we call marijuana)… These farmers are using a legal loophole in the testing process to avoid trouble. That’s why everything is specifically listed in THCa and not THC. That’s the legal loophole. So now they call it “THCa Hemp.”


Ahhhhh yes! Cuban B!


I’m seeing smoke shops all over the east coast starting to carry these. It all looks like flame indoor. Won’t the distributors of these products get in trouble if a store’s products are checked? Or does their testing save them somehow?

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thats the key thing all these “hemp thca” guys leave out. none of them have post harvest coas

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So, the “hemp” farmers will test their crop before harvest, so it’s under 0.3%THC. None of the THCa has decarb’ed into THC yet, because the samples are pulled so early. This is how they utilize the legal loophole. They claim “there’s no THC, only THCa” which is “legal” under the hemp farm bill (this is also a topic of debate because THC potency is supposed to be done post-decarb).

But these farmers sell it all under the guise that it’s legal because it’s “all THCa”… So people buy it and sell it in their bodegas, gas stations, etc. but by this point, some of the THCa is turning into THC. So if law enforcement comes into their stores, grabs some cannabis (that the store owner was told is “legal”) and it’s tested, it will pop hot for THC and the store owner will be in trouble, yes.
This is happening in NYC now.


Really a perfect system. Protect the mid farmers at all cost, make it so the middle men and custies take all the risk legally. We have reached the golden age of innovation in the industry, where lawyers are doing 90 percent of the innovating


perfect system for scumbag “THCa hemp” farmers, yep!


Wouldn’t the users be the ones in the wrong, since they are manufacturing d9THC by smoking THCa Hemp in their laboratory bongs?


there no such thing as THCA hemp untillo somebody can post a legit post decarb coa following USDA rules


I’m really hoping this was supposed to be in italics lol

I noticed people hating on hemp farmers, growing traditional cannabis with a hemp license based off the interpretation of the 2019 farm bill which states that everything grown under a hemp license that test below .3% THC at the required testing time which is one month before harvest is legally under the federal law considered Hemp. I get it haters, gonna hate, and if they’re not hating you’re not doing it right.

Why is this plant illegal at all? And what is wrong with growing traditional cannabis and getting it out to the people it’s the way the law is interpreted provides this opportunity?

The fact that this plant is illegal, and people have been going to prison by the millions for a practically harmless seed bearing herb that has been healing , comforting and helping people for thousands of years

I get the hate, you don’t want to see other people work the system and win when you have to pay millions of dollars for a license and pull all kinds of strings and use all kinds of favors to get that license so that you can control and sell your flower out of your license dispensary, and then some hemp farmer capitalize on a loophole that makes all your hard work and money waste of your time.

Most of the Hemp farmers for the last three years, been struggling and getting their ass handed to them for the last three years finally finds a Loop Hole that gets them a huge fucking win to make all hard work blood sweat and tears finally pay off.

I get it it’s sucks to see someone pass you up and not have to pay for all the licensing and taxiing in regulations and move boxes of packs across state lines and sell it right there at the convenient store for everybody to come by for half the price what you’re selling out of your license cannabis store, I get it it hurts. It takes business away.

Ultimately isn’t the ultimate goal to free the herb, that’s kind of what’s happening for a moment. Let’s celebrate it and enjoy it.
If anything way more people are getting access to cannabis, people that can’t afford to go into your license. Dispensary can now afford to get medicine, people that typically wouldn’t try it before, because they were intimidated to go into a dispensary. You can go to a convenience store and get some fire indoor exotics!
The light at the end of the tunnel for the dispensary owner if THCA Flower goes away cause the loophole closes in eight months, your license dispensary will be doing way better than it would have because of him all the new clientele they got turned on during the THCA gold rush

We’re on both sides. We have license dispensaries and we have Hemp licenses. I’m not hating I’m celebrating and enjoying this moment while it last.

I got Homies right now that are giving away free weed, right out of the store on front street, the cops of trying to harass them, and have it back down and they’re still giving free weed out. That’s awesome.


because there no protection once it leaves the hemp farm and the bougus definition of hemp everyone and there brother fucking knoes this

its not fair to the people who thing theres arez buying legl flowr and then get caught up in legal BS

People like @TheWillBilly dont care one bit about protecting the end consumer they just care about making loophole money and buying taco belll

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Really? Do you think the N consumer isn’t buying THCA cannabis because they want to buy some fire for a great price without having their name registered there purchase documented and possibly being scrutinized or even denied medication when there doctor says no you can’t get this medication because you have a medical card and you already are taking Cannabis. This is the type of shit that’s going on nobody’s going in looking for THCA and then being like oh my God I thought this was legal. I can’t believe I inhaled it I’m gonna go to hell. Let’s keep it real here. People are buying THCA because they want to get high
The store owners are buying it because they want to sell real real weed they know what they’re selling
Nobody is selling THCA another store like oh my God I didn’t realize this was Weed.
I’ve got store, owner friends that have gotten rated, and they put the THCA right back on the shelf and keep on selling

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what kinda conspiracy nonsense is thhat? registry for legal weed? like the cops are going to come get you becauase you purcahsed dispo weed?