THCa Flower D9 Compliant

Compliant 3-4heMpDMA. 2CB(d)… etc etc


According to the DEA, 6 steps away is still a derivative. At least for buprenorphine



Okay bro you convinced me. I got a list of chemicals and some equipment for you to get also you need to get a couple of drums of terps to start off with, but keep this on the down low don’t tell anyone, and tomorrow night… tomorrow night we’re going to take over the world.


Well I can’t sleep and I can’t focus enough to play another game of chess. So here goes nothing.

A disclaimer: I am not condoning nor encouraging any of this. It is only meant as general knowledge and is a purely mental exercise.

For any one of you fuckers that love to solve puzzles and understands chemistry. It is possible to fairly easily make your precursors from hemp sugars or even the plant itself by process of yeast fermentation together with benzaldehyde.
Aromatic Aldehydes as Substrates for Yeast and Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase.pdf (354.7 KB)

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The law states it can be tested 30 days before harvest in Illinois. It’s a loophole, you should be happy about not butt hurt. Theres a shortage in Chicago from what I have heard, the regulators are probably aware of what the situation.

Im aware of how the plant naturally degrades, and don’t need a lesson in basic decarboxylation.

So what you’re getting at here is its entirely within the realm of possibility to ferment the plant and create more precursors which could be made into cannabinoids?

Errrrrr… Yeah yep that’s right. That’s pretty much all I’m saying.


Same preharvest window as OR and alot of states. But what is IL testing for? THCa and THC both (total THC)? If they are doing total thc for preharvest, no way is weed going to be below 0.3% at 30 day before harvest.

And isn’t weed legal in IL now? Why is a loophole needed to grow it? Yall can’t grow 4 plants for personal like the other rec states?


They only test for d9 30 days out. I only know this cause I have friends growing fields under these guidelines.

Lol and everyone thought it was Oklahoma fucking the market :joy:

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theres levels to this shit bruh.

Not really levels there is blind hope that you dont get caught, and almost no defense if you do :man_shrugging:


selling hemp seeds with a license isnt illegal in any market so. i salute those who are bold enough to do this.

Interesting. I’d try at least once, just for science.

You can even greatly expand on it if you want to. If you think about it the possibilities are enormous.

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Oh absolutely. I totally believe that. Since I was a teen and found out about personal freedom and the laws that cause unnecessary stigma over a highly beneficial plant over stupid profits, political gains, dividing the people’s sense/thoughts of a united human/humane front(or whatever you want to call it), etc. This all lead me to seeing the benefits to cannabis just base on it’s physical abilities to create so many variable compounds that are high under-researched…I’d love to contribute to out collective knowledge on the capabilities of this plant. :slight_smile:

Actually I think you completely misunderstand me bro. I was being cynical and my intent was to make light of the ridiculousness of the farm bill and the people who use it as an excuse/shield to manufacture and distribute things that were definitely not intended to be within “the spirit of the law”. Take for example the synthesis of pointed out just above in which you can take a part of the plant and in somewhat easy fashion end up quickly and easily with methamphetamine or if you try a little bit harder many other different molecules which I tend to believe technically a lawyer could argue that it would be covered by the farm bill but I can only assume no one believes it falls within “the spirit of the law”. I believe in two possible outcomes one of them will see the system completely collapse and drug laws abolished or the other possibility which I believe is far more likely, is for the pendulum to swing the other and direction and we will start seeing a lot more laws and regulations imposed.


Anyone else tried it? It got me stoned.

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