THCA Diamond harvesting

Heat gun the bottom of that glass jar and they’ll disconnect from the glass and fall right out.


I use a mix of these tools when finishing diamond runs and usually heat the jar slightly on the bottom before separating. The big scraper works great for getting down deep into the taller mason jars. I also found pouring a small amount of sauce back in on the side will help loosen them up, it will make a little sugar where the terps mix with the powdered thca, but if your just recombining with the same terps it works great.


Not gunna lie, looks like current setup. Nice

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Pretty much same but i use shrimp deveiners to break the pucks.


where’d you get that big scraper? ever try using it to whip in pyrex?

Similar but different. Look for a cake icing spatula

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you use that to whip in pyrex too?

He has fancy tools for whipping…


Walmart has the perfect sizes in the party section, at least in Tacoma. I like the offset ones personally


Purple handle? I’ve got a few of those too

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Nah, they’re black. Look just like the one you posted

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You still making those tools?

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Kitchen supply stores have a lot of good gear, @TwistedStill has the hook up though if you want the sturdy reliable tools.

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I can still make these tools

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Bed bath and beyond I believe? I like the angle on it too, and it’s pretty flexible so you can bend it to contour the sides of whatever your scraping


Bed bath and beyond has great crack making tools

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I 2nd this. Works like a dream. :ok_hand:t2: