THC Remediation SOP and process development

Hey good afternoon very intrested in sop

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Dm’d you

I would love to get this SOP also. Truly appreciate it!

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Just sent you a message

@mediumtroy do you think it will work on mother liquor with more THC?


I’d like to get this SOP as well. Cheers.

@MediumTroy We did the SOP. Only reduced THC in both our crude and distillate by 0.40% in about 9 days. SOP doesn’t work as well as advertised; at this rate it’ll take a month to remove the THC as @anon93688 said it would.


@munkdooligan Maybe your temps are off? How thick is it? Someone else just told me it reduced THC from 8% to .4% on their really hot mother liquor in 9 days. Everyone else is getting nondetect in under two weeks from the feedback I’ve gotten. This is the first report I’ve had of it not working

This doesn’t convert cbd to thc?

yall need yo start posting these SOPs and techniques this is an open source community and y’all are setting everyone back. shameful shit right here.


@Rowan I had to pay for this SOP and I’ve been offering to split that small cost. I have a great deal invested in CBD biomass and the more labs have access to easy remediation the less my chances of recouping. Do you give your CBD away for free after paying for biomass? There are a lot of patients in need, Im sure you wouldn’t be shameful and try to make a profit off your work and investment.

I’m sorry if I offended you by not letting you move to Oregon and set up in our lab for free. Our lab is small and it was very expensive to set up with all red tape and buildout (originally rec lab). If you contribute an sop you wrote to the site I’ll send you this one for free.


That would require an acidic catalyst

Hello we have an organic scaleable process

@mmmchocolate yeah someone just got back to us that they remediated 8% THC material with the method. They lost a couple % CBD though


An acidic catalyst makes d8, not d9

You need some form of zinc for d9


Not zinc sulfate though haha (well, test results will be in by next week. I’d imagine I have a very small percentage of ∆9 in my sample)


I always figured the zinc catalysts were just less aggressive acids. I’d be willing to pay for an isomerization consult, ive noticed you comment on it a lot

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And the fact you need a PhD on staff to run it. There are units sitting at labs right now collecting dust because this isn’t something you can YouTube. Smart people are not able to run most if this LC equipment. Isolating molecules at the MOLECULAR LEVEL requires real science. It’s not plug and play. . :man_facepalming:t4:


Lol I’m not offended I don’t even remember that conversation, I’ve been talking to a lot of folks down here- I collaborate- with a large network- and was making an attempt to include you in it- there were no favors being asked.

you seem to be clutching your pearls pretty tight dude, pretty sure there is one person here who is offended, I could care less about your red tape and your anguish over lost profits.

You’ve made your money back several times by now by slangin this SOP- and slinging SOPs for chump change on Future4200 is in my opinion a pretty stupid practice that needs to be criticized- this forum is built on open source knowledge sharing- you are practicing the opposite and using the forum as a marketing platform, it’s sleazy to me- and I’m absolutely allowed to hold that opinion that I have shared many times over several threads filled with shitheads doing the same thing.

@MediumTroy pay it forward or keep it to yourself.


I have an SOP for high d8 or d9 from cbd, same process just different steps.

Lmk if you’re interested I’ll have test results in a week or so