Thc Distillate into lemonade/juice non Carbonated

Hello all noob here, I’m trying to infuse thc distillate To a simple syrup to make home made lemonade\juice. I’ve been experimenting but the Cannabinoids keep floating and balling up. Is there any tips or tricks that would help me emulsify the distillate? Thanks in advance! :pray:

Million dollar question.

how do you make water soluble encapsulations that stay stable in a low PH environment?

Anheuser-Busch really wish they had figured that out before they bought up all that isolate and had it crash out, they still haven’t figured it out.

As soon as I have my beverage line done and bottling I might share, but til then I cannot speak to details.


Lol I hadn’t heard that story. News link?

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It wasn’t in the news.
I’m from Wisconsin and previously worked with breweries- some beer industry folks know I am in canna now and call me up from time to time with tidbits.

They bought up a metric shitload of solubilized isolate and can’t get it to work with low ph, which is kind of essential in beverage preservation on that scale. big doh.


Does a vg solution not work? I’ve made plenty of medicated lemonade that way

Sound waves baby! I will be offering water soluble toll processing towards the end of July. DM for prices.

they won’t stay stable in a low Ph environment, this is a guarantee.

VG and ethanol blended work, but most people doing bev manufacture can’t have that level of ethanol content in the final product, you would need to be using full dosage non nano for this.

preservation preservation preservation.

there are other ways to get lemony flavors into your product and mimic acidity with other compounds in the blend… but like this is now getting into my actual job as a formulator so if you want a step by step guide and recipe you’re gonna have to call me for a quote on formulation.