This is a quote from this post: I make terrible distillate....why?
It’s got everything you need for distillate. (I don’t know why the quotes not working right.)
pro[quote=“Distillforeal, post:16, topic:6650, full:true”]
Take your first pass smelly crap dissolve in heptane 3:1. Mix up a shit tone of water and wash in with diffrent ph water from 4-10 some say make the water saltly idk you tell me what works better. Occasonally put metal work prob into top of sep funnel to get probe wet with heptane solution wait to dry smell if residue is gone. After last wash drain solution and run threw magsil pr or is on a budget maybe just silica? Then distill. Again smell gone. If you dont have enough first pass around downsize boiling flask one size could work?