Testing testing testing

If anyone needs a workhorse HPLC-DAD, I’ve got a used Beckman Gold and Beckamn DU-800 spectrophotometer pair for sale with a column, Software and CPUs for $8000. Negotiable and trades accepted. Most likely not GMP ready.

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@anon56994712 it’s the plan, far and near. I appreciate the words, it gives me the idea’s to think about. The bought out idea is if competition didn’t want me around.

@OBXtracts I appreciate the read thru well noted. It makes me think tho is another machine made that can do the same with less of a headache? What machine do you use?

Use that. anything with a 5 point style syringe will reduce/eliminate the chances of coring. Also don’t crank the septum down too hard. Here’s what it looks like up close.

We also changed to these septums.


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Thank you for the honest feedback.
Just a few notes.

  1. We do have after hours support.
    It rings at my home so please don’t call in the middle of the night.
  2. We use 27 gage syringe needles for the residual solvents injection. If the septum is overtight, then you get needle plugging and eventually a hole in the septum. The trick is to tighten the septum the minimum amount. If you get it right, the septum can last forever.
  3. You are correct the gas chromatograph we make is a general purpose device and tailored to the cannabis industry as much as we can figure out how to do that. We are always looking to do a better job of that. Its not clear to me what else we could do, even given more money spent on hardware to make it easier for the user. My crude analogy is that a GC is like a piano. You buy it, take it home and the first night you can play chopsticks, but to play Mozart takes practice. Could you really re-design the piano to make playing Mozart easier. A push button analysis is the goal, but so far we have not been able to achieve that, despite every effort.
    Hugh Goldsmith

Thanks for the words Hugh, notes aswell. And your point is seen. In time I suppose.