I see a similar old link but has anyone had any testing/potency issues with their salves? My tinctures have been coming in on the high side but my salves are coming in consistently 15% on the low side and I always over estimate on the high side and I know I’ve been measuring correctly. Is there something in the salves that could be breaking down the CBD potency? It’s been pretty frustrating trying to understand what is happening here.
One other thing I want to add. I had three different salves tested. I measured for 1000mg batch and one came in at 791mg, 837mg and 885mg but they are “ALL” from the same batch… After mixing and heating to 175F I separate them into threes and then add the essential oils. I would get it if one came in overly high, the other in the middle and the other on the low side but I’m coming in low with almost a 10 percent swing in the same batch?
There are a number of things that need to be considered in this situation.
Are your calculations correct?
Are your ingredients being properly measured?
Is your formulation properly homogenized?
Do you have an accurate potency COA for your starting CBD material?
If the answer to all of these is yes, then there is a strong chance it is the testing lab being utilized. A salve is not a simple testing matrix, and the lab could be using unsuitable methods to properly quantify the cannabinoids within.
You can either reach out to the lab and try to discuss this with them, or try a different testing lab. The lab you are utilizing should be ISO-17025 accredited.
We would not be able to answer this without the ingredient list, but this seems highly unlikely.
Also what time and temperature are you using for this formulation?
Possibly one of the most difficult, tbh. There’s a good chance their sample preparation methods aren’t appropriate and cannabinoids aren’t being extracted properly. This is very common with edible matrices as well, but has improved significantly in the last 2 years. For topicals, salves and ointments… not so much.
I feel confident my CBD measurements are correct along with the product measurements. When I calculate the amount of 2 ounce cans I should have in my batch I am always within one can and I’m usually shy by a can. I also over calculate by 5 percent to make sure I come in on the high side and all my tinctures have been coming out on the high side. I believe my COA on the CBD is correct. I’ve made a couple different batches and tested them with two different testing facilities and they were almost identical per gram.
Maybe homogenization could be a problem but I don’t think so. I normally heat the batch up to at least 175F and I never go over 200F and I usually stir it up at those temps for a good 10 to 15 minutes.
Sounds like we might have the same sense of humor! lol
I feel like trying a different testing lab would be a good place to start.
@kcalabs is a trusted and reputable lab around here, and as a bonus they can read this thread and know exactly what the problem is that you are looking to solve.
Personally (in CO) I have had salves tested through Botanacor, Aurum Labs, and Nordic Analytical with very accurate results.
@Chaboes is right, though. Sounds like your calculations are correct and you’re already shooting slightly over.
Assuming you know the concentration of what you’re starting with, I’d assume it is a homogenization issue or a lab extraction issue due to the ingredients.
Tough to say without knowing their process but the late eluting heavy stuff is prob throwing off their numbers. Plant waxes (salves) are a mess of different compounds and have ridic long retention times. I’d compare with a different lab (which is always an interesting thing to do anyway because you’ll have a hard time finding consistent results). They might just be rushing your samples
Thanks everyone and yes I am going to hit up another lab. One thing I did with the salve is that I sent them a complete 2 ounce can of salve instead of the minimum. I wonder how the sample was taken from the can? Could that have had an impact? Ive got a call into the lab but haven’t heard back.
Those labs are using UV to quantify, waxes and lipids in general will not interfere with UV. But they can for sure interfere with getting a good extraction during sample prep which would cause the numbers to skew low.