terps left in spent material

hi everyone. i was cleaning my material column out after a run of a bubblegum cross. the material was super dry after the run which ive always taken as a pretty thorough run. But this time it still had a lot that sweet bubblegum terp still in the material. what should i have done to get that out?
I ran 1.5 lbs to like 10 lbs of solvent. -5f solvent and a filled and frozen material column. iso, n butane, propane mix. fast blast with n2 assist. .recover at 67f actively. this was machined material.

Bomb material always smells good after that’s why people still buy blasted trim without knowing it.

If you want to get all the terps off then you should do a terpene extraction


Can u do an after terp extraction like lle style

You can also do a terp extraction by sending solvent vapors up through your column instead of soaking downwards like normal

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good to know. the terpen extractions im seeing are all from the concentrate aft

im not familiar

would you care to elaborate on this technique?