Terpifuse Bucket System

Curious if anyone has heard of or tried Terpifuse Bucket system.

It’s just a bucket with moisture beads that you add terpenes to. It’s supposed to “infuse” the flower.

I know this is frowned upon, I am just curious if this is how infusion works. Currently there is a huge market specifically in NYC / east coast for these crazy flavors & infused flower.


Yes it works but so does a closed vessel with a cloth terp impregnated rag
Makes sense to get the trepprofile reading to get an idea for what needs to
Volitize if there is a large fraqtion of high bp terps involved placing a heatgun at low temps 70C on the rag from the outside of the vessel helps to get it all to vaporize faster

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you can also just use a kitchen candy tumbler or a food grade cement mixer, toss all your flower in there and spray while it spins.

Spraying terps on biomass is hard if you only want to spike them with the flavor and taste 3 ml on a kg of flower is plenty
And for this only a paintbrush works
Placing larger quantities gives the risk of darkening the flower once wetted with terps


Thanks for the info! This is exactly what I was looking for.
Would putting the flower & cloth terp impregnanted rag into a vacuum chamber help speed up the process for infusion? Is that even possible?

Or even a vacuum oven?

Speeding up might not be the right definition
Vacuum lowers boilingpoints and vapor pressure meaning that yes all terps will vaporize quicker and the higher bp / higher vaporpresure terpenes wil be more volitile making it easier to get to the flower you wish to impregnate
This is if a vacuum is pulled and valves shut
If you leave the pump running it will suck out all vaporized terps and even the terps present on the biomass itself
I personally don t like vacuum for this process and prefure heat ( heatgun)
Although there are plenty of folks that yust use time leaving the flowers with terps standing for 48 hours
I guess you wil have to find your own sweet spot
All I can recomend is go easy with the amounts you want on your flower
Some spray 1-3% by weight on the flower and they loose Al natural complexity becoming a terp bomb
Take notes and observe well
Weight your rag before and after
Keep track of temperature
And profile added and profile of. Biomass you added it to
Have fun


What’s in the solution ? Isent this like the terped boveda bags ? But in a solution loose beads and liquid ?

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